chapter 3 crimson red

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As I exit my house and enter to the city I go to a small apartment building. From the back along the side I run of those cheap stairs they have I go to about the middle and to window. It was locked but I just messed with it and cut a few parts and this and that and boom. Open.

I enter the room quietly and scan along it. i walk over the the bed of the woman i hover my left hand abo e her neck before digging the claws into two points. As she awoke she tried to scream but the blood was to fast and filled her lungs and it ran out her mouth. that wonderful crimson color of liquid glory.

hiw i loved that color that others fear and mock in the name of blood and gore. while i look at is as the beauty of life and death, and the glory of this power i hold over them when i use the crimson blood to my own uses. me, a mortal hilding such a power i say a god would own.

as the woman takes a final attempt of air and goes limp as her body dies i hear a noise behind me. 

A/N: school is back for me so more wring often :D but im grounded so :( not so often publishing :D but many at once

and thanks for all the comments and votes on all my stories i love to know you enjoy them and i love to read and reply to you guys

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