chapter 6

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As m/n woke he looked and saw the familiar settings of his home, familiar warmth of his bed. He got up. He w as still in his clothes his clock read 7am. So it was still the same day.

He rest well rested even if he knew he couldn't of been asleep for long. He was about to change when he heard a rattle like sound. No it was growl like sound. Making sure he had all his weapons on and his gloves worked m/n walked to his door.

His left hand with his longer, sharper claw ready. Turning tue handle carefully he swung it open and jumped out onto the grass.

Turning to view all of his surroundings he paused, on the one side of his cabin was a horrifying creature. Like nothing one has ever seen but it was nothing to what m/n guessed he dreamt of last night. That lord zalgo was worse then this, but he was beautiful to m/n.

This was not beautiful, this was a predator. Not like a lion or a wolf of a tiger. This was a pure predator, pure evil.

As he moved closer slightly he began to circle m/n his skin stuck to his bones. Each ride viable. He had almost a human like body, yet it wasn't. His hands had at least foot long knifes, not even claws they were like knifes on each finger, but he only had 3 fingers and a thumb, with a slightly shorter claw.

His eyes were pure circles of a glowing white. And he walked on all 4s like a animal. Not to mention his skin was a unnatural color. He seemed so weak but that had to be far from the truth.

Truth was one couldn't describe this being other then simply horrifying.

M/n dared not move other then to follow this think as it circled him. This was a battle of smarts.

The did this for about five minutes. The first to strike was m/n, he jumped forward clawing at the monster before jumping back. It jumped right at m/n, pinning him down. M/n holding his arms up so the monster will scratch his arms and not his more vulnerable parts.

Using his legs he kicked the beast off. Quickly jumping up his arms were fucked up. With long cuts, deep cuts, many cuts. His arms were covered in blood, now the grass as well.

Regardless of the stinging he took his belt and flicked it, the gears clicking to form his sword. He didn't know if he'd live after. But one thing m/n was sure of, this beast will fall before he does.

For each cut he was given he made his own. Back and forth they went. And m/n couldn't go much longer, he was losing blood ask and badly. Throwing his sword into a tall tree he ran to it. Jumping on the handle making sure to hit it in the way it would deactivate. Taking ahold of a branch he pulled himself up.

Taking a quick breather he went up again the bark of the tree standing on the branch. With a quick aim he ran down the branch jumping over the beast that was below the tree. Running to his house slamming the door behind him taking his pistol he jumped out his window.

Landing in the grass feeling the cold metal he aimed the gun at the beast he waited into it got closer. And closer. Just feet away he pulled the trigger and the boom echoed.

And then again. And one more time. The beast with a hole in each leg, and check stumbled over. It was limp into it moved slightly. Walking to the tree he pulled his sword out flicking it. Hearing the gears click he walked back to the beast.

Readying his sword he looked at it. As he looked into its eyes and it made a soft coo sound he raised his sword higher.


For once m/n felt mercy for another, this thing was like him in a way. It was human but wasn't.    M/n was human yet wasn't. He was how  m/n felt compared to a human, a normal human.

"You know. We are one in the same. Maybe if i didn't shoot you we could of teamed up. " m/n said lowering his sword. "You made me feel mercy for the first time. If their is a place after death i hope it treats you well." M/n said raising his sword again to cut it's head off. As he is lowering it he froze.

No something made him freeze. "Well done." Said a familiar voice.


"Your definitely a perfect human. Come here small one." Zalgo said holding out his lard hand again. Once more like under a spell m/n lowered his sword putting it on as his belt again.

Walking towards zalgo he took his hand and was pulled closer once again losing his vision as he fell limp.

Zalgo picking up the human threw him over his shoulder. "Rake did you let him win?"

"No." He said his voice deep and dark, barely english.

"Did you actually try to kill him"

"Yes." He whispered once more standing, stumbling over before standing again. Once being able to stand he followed zalgo to follow him to his layer.

I'm not human [Zalgo x M.Reader]Where stories live. Discover now