Chapter five

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The noises stopped in Sam's room, and all of a sudden, Dean's stomach turned something was wrong. Without looking at Rowena, Dean broke into Sam's room and saw that the fireplace was starting to disappear. Dean yelled for Rowena to get inside, she obeyed and raced in to find that Sam was nowhere to be found.

"Oh don't tell me he walked through it!" Dean yelled. Rowena came inside and saw the fireplace disappearing, using her magic she stopped it from vanishing, with the fireplace open, Dean and Rowena ran through it and searched the corridors. "Where could he have gone?!" Dark magic all along the corridors made Rowena's hair stand on end, whoever was in the corridors with them was malicious. The two raced up the stairs until they arrived by the spindle and spinning wheel, standing in front of them dressed in her black and purple robes was none other than Ruby herself.

"I knew it!" Rowena exclaimed. "Ruby! How did you get here?!"

"Who cares how she got in here! Where's Sam!" Dean exclaimed. "If anything happened to that prince you are going to regret it, Ruby."

"Oh you poor simple fool," Ruby responded. "You never should have left him alone, but because you asked, here's your precious prince." She moved her cape to reveal that Sam was unconscious on the floor.

"Rowena, I'll deal with this bitch, get the prince back to his room." Dean took off down the opposite corridor as Ruby followed suit turning into black smoke and chasing after Dean. With his back to the enemy, Dean had high hopes that Rowena could get Sam out of the corridors and put him on the bed. Now all he had to do was avoid the witch bitch as much as he possibly could. However, Ruby was one step ahead of him and appeared before him. Dean stumbled and tried to double back but it seemed like she was everywhere. Suddenly she circled him in full black smoke. Dean coughed and struggled to see, however, the more he tried to fight back the more he found himself and the world around him got dark until he could no longer see before him.


Rowena carried Sam all the way back to his room and laid the prince gently down. She tried to wake him up with her magic, but Ruby's curse was too powerful. Despite her efforts she couldn't stop a tear falling from her face, she had promised Sam's parents that she was going to bring him back safe, but she had failed and now he was asleep. It didn't help that Dean seemed to be taking forever, she wasn't even sure if Dean could handle a witch like Ruby, she treated murder as if it were as common as breathing, and felt no remorse. So if her ally had been captured it meant that she had to take action, how was she supposed to explain this to Sam's parents? Instead of telling his parents, there was only one option left. She had to put the entire castle to sleep until Sam could awaken. Immediately taking action, she left him in the room on the bed and went throughout the entire castle, enchanting a spell upon the entirety of the place.

As she made her way through the throne room, she overheard the princess's father speaking. Saying that the princess had met someone in the forest, a peasant boy named Sam. Rowena couldn't ask him any more questions, the spell took effect instantly leaving Rowena standing in the center of the throne room alone, well almost alone.

"I have to find Princess Madison and Dean!" Rowena exclaimed and left the castle as quick as she could.


Dean woke to find himself trapped in a dungeon. He got up from the small wooden bench that was also made to be a small bed even though it was only a cot. The moonlight shone over his eyes and he held his hand up trying to have his eyes adjusted. Next to him was a wooden structure, a door with a small wooden door in the middle. Once Dean's eyes adjusted he saw that he was trapped in a dungeon, even the drip. drip. dripping sound of water coming down from somewhere in the crevice.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Dean exclaimed and got up from the cot. "Let me out of here!"

"Aww, what's the matter?" Ruby asked, appearing out of nowhere. "Don't you like your new room, Dean? I find it cozy," She smirked as he tried to attack her. "Oh there will be none of that," She raised her hand and blue lighting flashed from her fingertips, Dean screamed at the unexpected attack and would have hit his head if not for the cot. "Did you really think I would let you attack me?"

"You bitch," Dean grimaced at the pain. "You think you can get away with keeping me here? The king and queen would have found out by now that you put Sam to sleep and captured me. Do you think they'll let you out of their sights? You've been on their radar for sixteen years." Ruby didn't even flinch at his words, all she did was laugh and mock Dean.

"Aww, what's the matter, Dean?" She asked. "Can't protect the prince by yourself? Do you need Mommy and Daddy to make everything better?" She mocked him further by asking if he was going to cry. He didn't answer and she frowned in disappointment, claiming that Dean was no fun.

"As soon as I get out of here, you will be my first target," Dean answered. "You killed Lisa and now you spelled Sam, do you really think I'm going to let you get away?"

"Please what are you going to do?" Ruby asked. She walked closer to the cell door and could have grabbed Dean if she tried. "You have no powers Dean, so tell me how are you going to kill me and save Sam while you're stuck in there?" Dean went silent and glared at Ruby just as her soldiers entered the dungeons with a girl in tow. Dean glanced behind Ruby and saw the girl who looked extremely familiar. Crowley followed the soldiers inside as realization dawned on Dean.

"Your evilness, I believe we caught the peasant girl like you asked." Crowley said. Dean grabbed the wooden bars trying to break the cell door down but it wouldn't budge with all the nails wedged in every corner and piece of wood. Ruby grabbed the girl's chin and had to admit that she definitely was pretty.

"My my aren't you a pretty one," Ruby said. "And who might you be Princess?" There was no way a girl like this was a peasant, she was too clean and luxurious.

"Leave her alone!" Dean yelled, drawing attention away from Madison and onto him. Dean played it off like he didn't know who the girl was but Ruby guessed otherwise. "She's only a girl!"

"Oh not just any girl, she's a princess," Ruby responded. "Tell me I'm wrong my dear and I'll let you go," Madison attempted to lie hoping that Ruby would let her go. "Oops, I lied take her to the tower." She ordered. Under orders, the soldiers and Crowley dragged Madison up to the towers but not before Dean yelled at their retreating backs.

"No! Madison!" Dean exclaimed. "What are you going to do to her?!"

"Maybe I'll make her fall asleep as well or maybe I'll keep her locked away for 100 years," Ruby responded. "But the bigger question is what should I do with you?" She didn't really see Dean as a threat, how could she when he was powerless? But he was definitely annoying so she smiled at him before turning away. "You'll feel differently about all this in the morning, sleep, tight Dean." She walked away leaving Dean in complete darkness. 

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