SWS Character List

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Shy Walking ShadowsBook 1 of the Blood Moon Series

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Shy Walking Shadows
Book 1 of the Blood Moon Series


(Name - Species - Info)

Kierra McHone; Human/Werewolf (Gray) - Main character, older sister, prophecy child, Silver Wolf. She starts off as an overbearing & overprotecting sibling, but by the end has changed, coming to realize that her little sister is more than capable of taking care of herself. Burdened with a past no one wants and a future that's unclear, Kie throws herself into her new role with childlike abandon

Faline McHone; Human/Vampire (Ocelot) - Main character, younger sister, prophecy child, her cat is highly uncommon in the area. Starts out as a bud in her big sister's shadow, but is given room to grow in the most unlikeliest of places, really coming in to her own and flourishes

Tristan Danielson; Human - Kie's best friend from high school, doesn't have a very large part in book 1 but does return later

Asher; Werewolf (Gray) - Werewolf cursed by a Witch to remain forever in animal form, he aids Kie as much as he can while retaining many secrets

Nicolaus; Vampire (Mountain Lion) - Sire to Faline, he attempts to Convert her the same way he was over a century ago, his torture so severe that it split his mind, there's more to this man than meets the eye but can it be seen before Kierra kills him

Anthony; Werewolf (Gray) - The one who Changed Kierra and companion to Nicolaus for over ten years, although not exactly 'sane' himself, he kept Nicolaus in check as much as possible

James Carrigan; Human - A figure from Kierra & Faline's past having been a boyfriend to their mother, convicted child molester/pedophile, stalked/searched Kie out for years until he found her again, it is found out that he has ties to the human trafficking ring

Fred; Human - Bastion's 'step-father', also a convicted sex-offender/pedophile, kept Bastion caged for use to either himself or rented out for money, ties to human trafficking ring as a collector of product who would then hand them off to others after some brief documentation was made, assumed he had a hand in drugs as well

Bastion; Human - Child saved by Kierra shortly after she Changes, if she hadn't sated the bloodlust that rises after initial shifting on James and Fred, the kid would have been in a whole lot more danger, his abuse leaves scars on both his mind and body but getting saved by monsters really puts things in perspective for him, putting his trust in select few, he's leery about joining the world again but as long as he has his black wolf protector by his side, he feels he can face each day, he is adopted by and given Kierra's last name

Bridge Vagrant; Human (?) - The dark-skinned man Kierra comes across under the bridge when running home with Bastion and Asher, he's protecting his turf from invaders and completely stumps Kierra on just what it is that he might be. She assumes human, but his scent is smothered by too many other smells to tell for sure

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