First Impressions

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Your pov

My week at Outpost 3 wasn't going too smoothly. I had met everyone and they were pretty stuck up, it was clear they were the basic rich people. Rather the bottom bitches of the upper class, they made them look really bad.

The only person I remotely liked was Ms. Venable, I actually really liked her. She was a little mean I have to admit but it was hot? Sometimes she was just unnecessarily cruel and it made absolutely no sense.

But I couldn't help wondering what her sensitive side was like... she had to have one. She had a really hard exterior but for some reason I felt like she was as fragile as an egg.

I'm waiting in my room for lunch, trying to get comfortable cause this bed is so uncomfortable. I end up just trying to go to sleep because I thought I had a long time until lunch.

It's not like there's clocks in this forsaken place, I don't even know why minutes and hours matter. It felt like we were going to be down here forever. I was selected as a purple and I'm still not sure why but I wasn't going to argue.

She works the grays like animals and she's even more mean to them than she is to the purples. All of a sudden I'm being shaken awake and not lightly either, I almost fell out of the bed. "Shit!" I say as I grip onto the bed to keep from falling.

I look up and Ms. Mead is standing there, no emotion on her face at all. At least Venable looks angry sometimes, Mead has nothing behind her eyes. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was a god damn robot or something.

"Language, y/n!" She yelled, I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Is it time for lunch?" I asked plainly, "you missed lunch and Ms. Venable would like to see you to deliver your punishment" she said coldly.

I didn't even have it in me to argue so I just let her lead me out of the room in my pajamas. We got to Venable's office and Mead knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard her voice say and Ms.Mead opened the door and let me walk in first.

Venable looked at me through narrowed eyes "Ms. Mead you can go now" she said calmly. "But don't you wa—" Mead started, "I SAID you can go now, thank you for bringing her" she said coldly.

Ms. Mead closed the door and left just me and Venable in the office. I thought I would piss myself, if looks could kill, I'd be fucking dead. All of this was over me missing lunch?

Doesn't that mean more food for later or something? "Sit" she demanded while pointing to a chair in front of her desk. I sat down and tried to look her in the eyes but the glare she was giving me made me feel so ashamed for some reason.

So I fixed my gaze on the floor.

"So you thought it was ok to just skip lunch?" She asked me. I assumed it was rhetorical and she was going to continue so I didn't respond. "Answer me when I speak to you!" She yelled with a loud tap of her cane on the hardwood floors.

"N-no" i said getting nervous because she seemed really angry with me. "So what was so important that you couldn't be in attendance" she barked towards me.

"I was sleeping" I responded shakily, "speak up" she said "and look me in the eyes" she ordered harshly. I looked up slowly to meet her gaze and started hyperventilating, I hated confrontation I always did.

I couldn't stand when people raised their voices at me. It took a lot to get me mad, to get me to explode but I rarely ever found myself confident enough to stand up to authority figures.

Especially not her, she scared the shit out of me.

"I was sleeping" I said a little louder so I was sure she could hear me. "Hmm" she sounded confused but also unamused with my explanation. She stood up and began walking over to me as her cane tapped confidently on the floor with each step.

She came up beside me and I flinched as she moved her hand. I looked at her with fear in my eyes and she tilted her head. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me curiously. I suppose she must've realized what I thought she was going to do.

"Oh..." she said softly, I was practically shaking at this point as flashbacks were running through my mind at rapid speeds. It took everything in me not to cry, I shook my head trying to make the memories disappear.

"May I leave now?" I asked holding back tears, I couldn't look her in the eyes. I didn't want to see what she was thinking or feeling, she probably thought I was weak.

"Can I ask you something first?" She asked cautiously, I just nodded. There was a long silence and it seemed she was debating on what to ask.

"Actually... never mind, you're dismissed" she said walking back to her desk. I quickly made my way back to my room so no one would see me crying.

Wilhemina's pov

She quickly made her way out of the room and left me alone. I almost fucked up. I almost went easy on her, comforted her even. I can't seem weak in front of them but especially her, it's like she looks right through me when she sees me.

But not in a dismissive way, it's like she has empathy for me. She makes me actually want to be nice? When she flinched I felt a pain that I'd never felt before, for the first time I didn't want someone to fear me.

I wanted her to feel comforted, I wanted to hug her and take the pain away. I was debating going to her room, I knew she was probably crying, I could see the tears in her eyes.

Fuck it I thought to myself as I got up and made my way to her room. I stood outside and I heard her quiet sobs, I knocked lightly on the door. "What?!" She screamed from inside, I slowly opened the door and when she saw me she turned her back.

"Can I come in?" I asked softly, god damn it what was she doing to me? "You can do whatever you want apparently" she said coldly. To say my ego was hurt would be an understatement but I understood why she was angry.

I came over and sat at the foot of the bed, she refused to look at me. I looked at her silhouette under the covers, each curve of her body, she was perfect.

I cursed myself for thinking that way and got angry at whoever might've hurt her. "Are you gonna say something or are you just gonna sit there?" She asked shakily.

I quickly scrambled to find words "I'm sorry" I said finally, I didn't care about anyone else. But her... I didn't ever want to make her cry, I felt awful. She sat up to look at me now, confusion and slight anger written on her face.

She stared into me like she wanted me to explode in that moment. "I... it wasn't my intention to make you cry, I didn't want to scare you" I said sincerely, she scoffed.

I was trying my hardest to be nice and she was just brushing me off. I began to feel anger boiling inside of me at the amount of disrespect she seemed to hold.

"Ok" she said plainly, she now looked in my eyes with no emotion whatsoever. Somehow that was worse than her anger from just a few moments before.

Without another word I stood up and walked towards the door. I paused for a moment hoping she would say something else. I turned around and she had already laid back down, her back to the door.

I sighed and went back to my room...

I'm kind of excited to be posting my first story on here! I have quite a few lined up some finished and some not so I guess depending on what you guys say I'll post more if you want but I hope you enjoy this and have a great day/night :)

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