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After counting down from 100 I stay lying still, trying to focus on my body to see if I feel any different 'hm I'm not feeling any different' I peak open one eye only to frown upon seeing that I am in fact still in my room and had not shifted

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After counting down from 100 I stay lying still, trying to focus on my body to see if I feel any different 'hm I'm not feeling any different' I peak open one eye only to frown upon seeing that I am in fact still in my room and had not shifted.

"I knew it was to good to be true, Sarah probably just imagined it" sighing I turn over and decide to just go to asleep, disappointed that nothing happened.


Waking up I open my eyes only to cover them feeling the morning light blinding me. I turn over check the time, only to be confused 'where am I? This isn't my room' Frantically looking around I jump out of bed, open the bedroom door run down the hallway and then down the stairs "Finally you're up it's like 1:30 you slept forever" groaned a strangely familiar voice.

I look over to see a familiar boy with piss colored hair "TAKEMICHI?" I blurted out confused. "Uh yeah? Why do you sound so confused to see me?" 'what am I doing here?? I fall asleep and wake up in tokyo revengers? I need to act normal I can't raise any suspicion'

I look around the living room to try and find any clues hinting as to why I woke up at Takemichi's place in particular. Luckily I see one picture hanging on the wall of him and I as kids arms wrapped around each other seeming to be laughing at something off camera.

'all this tells me is that we are seemingly close to one another, maybe siblings?' I turn towards Takemichi smiling while having a confused look on my face " Oh haha I'm not confused did I sound confused, uh brother?" I say but it ended up sounding a lot more like a question 'dang it! now he's gonna be suspicious of me'

He laughs and waves his hand at me in an up and down motion " Brother? Ha you're right we are close like brother and sister huh?" "we're not brother and sister?" I ask sounding even more confused than before " We're cousins Y/n. Did you hit your head or something while getting out of bed?" Takemichi questioned looking at me weirdly.

"No sorry I just have a foggy mind from just waking up" I reassure him hoping to seem less suspicious.

Suddenly Takemichi stands up and looks up at the clock "Hurry up and get ready grandma sent over money for you go shopping for new stuff since you'll be living with me now." I look at him for a second "Alright give me like 15 minutes then we can go!" I grinned turning to walk back upstairs to my so called 'room'.

I close the door to my room and lean against it 'okay so I'm in tokyo revengers, but where am I in the storyline?' sighing I turn towards my closet to try and find an outfit.


Currently Takemichi and I are walking to the local mall, with me asking him questions along the way to try and figure everything out. So far I've figured out that I've moved in with him since my grandma who I'd previously been living with decided I should live with my cousin(Takemichi) since she's always traveling for work and didn't want me to be left alone all of the time.

Also turns out that our grandma is rich, so she's sending us money monthly for living. She also lives super far away so I haven't seen takemichi in over a year 'okay so that means I more than likely haven't met any of the characters yet' Takemichi suddenly turns his head towards me and asks "wait a minute why are you even asking me all of this?"

'shoot I need to think fast' Just as I opened my mouth to speak another familiar voice cuts me off "Takemichi!" we both look over and see Hinata running towards us waving and smiling "Hina? What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you" he questions once she finally gets to us.

"Well I saw you walking and wanted to see you silly " she giggled out then pausing to look over at me "who's this?" I smiled towards her "Hi it's nice to meet you! Hina right? I'm Y/n" 'I need to act like I have no clue who she is to seem as least suspicious as possible' she looks at me for a second and suddenly pulls me into a hug stunned all I could do was pat her on the back and awkwardly laugh.

Hina giggles and pulls away saying "It's so nice to meet you! Takemichi has told me so much about you!" I look towards Takemichi who was just staring at his girlfriend with a love struck gaze and then back at Hina "Sooo if you aren't busy do you want to accompany Michi and me to the mall?" I question.

Takemichi looks at me blushing like crazy and started stuttering "wha-wha-" but Hina cuts him off by nodding towards me and giggling "of course! You know I think you and I are going to be great friends" linking our arms I respond "you know I think so too Hina!" We start walking again in the direction of the mall, leaving Takemichi trailing behind us looking like a lost puppy.

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