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The bell rang. as I packed up, Luke said-

Luke: Thank you so much, you literally saved my first day here.

Belinda: no problem! if you need anything, I got you. Except math, I hate math, despise it. 

he giggles

Luke: I'll keep that in mind

Belinda: if you'd like, I can give you a tour later.

Luke: That'd be great!

Belinda: Great. Laters!

I walk out into the hallways, but suddenly, I was pulled into a dark room. I grabbed his neck and pushed him to the wall, twisting his arms. I felt him tapping me

Wyatt: I-its w-wy-wyatt!

he sneezed.

Belinda: OH! i'm sorry, i'm sorry

I say letting him go. he gasps for air .

Belinda: Jesus Wyatt, can u not talk to me like a normal person??

Wyatt: Be quiet.

Belinda: Excuse me??

Wyatt: No seriously, someone's coming.

he grabbed me and pushed me into the corner of the wall, and shushed me. I can feel his heartbeat. its fast. must be the adrenaline of the scare I gave him. somebody in fact, did get in. but it was dark so they couldn't see us. As they got out, he took a step back and turned on the lights.he sneezed. he apologized. I look at him, tilting my head.

Belinda: why do u keep sneezing? Are you sick?

Wyatt: im fine, i'll be fine. Alright, to what I dragged you here for. I decided to set some ground rules.

Belinda: Rules?

Wyatt: yes rules, blondie. listen up.

Belinda: But why?

Wyatt: Because I said so.

I slapped him out of urge

Wyatt: OUCH???

Belinda: Now I feel better, go on.

Wyatt: (you're so lucky I love you) 

he sighs. he sneezed. he apologized

Wyatt: There's only three.

Belinda: Do tell.

Wyatt: maybe if you stopped interrupting me-

Belinda: Why are you always arguing with me-

We just start to argue like little kids.

Wyatt: ANYWAY'S rule number 1, be on time. if I need you, you come running.

Belinda: What am I, your dog, bitch? Want me to bark too??

he sneezed, he apologized

Wyatt:... Rule number 2, NO distractions. You do your job and finish no matter what. Last,but not least, no dating.

Belinda: WHAT?? no dating?? why cant I date?

Wyatt: ( because you're mine...) That's a distraction.

Belinda: uhM I wanna have a love life, unlike you, i'm likable around here.

Wyatt: Says the one who kissed me last night.

I was gonna say something but he got me there. I bit my lip, and crossed my arms looking the other way.

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