Cesar x Reader

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This oneshot may talk about more sensitive topics than previous oneshots. I've been feeling down lately so this is here mainly for me to feel better. Remember, stay safe and enjoy!

Y/N stared at theirselves in the mirror and looked at every spot on their body. Tears slowly swell in their eyes as they start silently sobbing as they grip onto the bathroom counter. Why me? They thought. I've done everything the best I could...why am I this way? Their silent cries become more vocal as they fall to the ground and start wailing into a towel.

I'm trying so hard, but nothing is getting better. Would anyone even care if I felt like this? Probably not... Y/N thought as they cried. They immediately silence themself as they hear a knock on the door. "Mi amor? I heard some noise. Are you alright?" Said a voice through the door.
Oh no. Y/N thought No no no no no nonononono-

"I'm fine, Cesar." They said in a weak voice. It was obvious that Y/N was crying through the tone of their voice. "Dear, if something is wrong you must tell me. May I come in?" Cesar asked in his usual calm voice. There was a brief moment of silence, but Y/N broke it "Y-Yeah..." they sigh. Cesar opens the door and a look of worry and shock appears on his face. "Oh no what happened, love?" He said sitting down on the tile floor next to Y/N.

Y/N starts crying again and rants "I-I don't know. Everything is going wrong I don't know what to do, a-and I don't even know if anyone would care! All of my life I have been i-ignored, abandoned, and pushed aside and I can't take it a-anymore!!" Y/N cried. Cesar just sat there, processing what he just heard. He put his hand on
Y/N's head "Dear, I-I didn't know you felt that way..." he said softly. "I'm so sorry." He said as he started hugging Y/N tightly. Y/N sniffed a bit and hugged Cesar back.

"I can't do this-" Y/N whispered. "My dear, you can. I'm right here for you. Right here." Cesar tried to reassure and comfort Y/N. "I believe in you with every ounce of my being. You are the most funny, beautiful, and kindest person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Mi amor, you're wonderful." He said cupping Y/N face in his hands before kissing Y/N. They smile and chuckle weakly "Thank you, Cesar..." Y/N said. "Of course, darling."

Cesar helped Y/N off the hard floor and the two go to Cesar's room. "Hey, Cesar. I'm really tired. Can we go to bed?" Y/N said wiping their eyes. Cesar nodded "Sure!" He agreed. Y/N and Cesar went to bed and Cesar was hold the other closely. Y/N lays their head on Cesar's chest and could faintly hear his heartbeat. Cesar ran his fingers through Y/N's hair and hummed a song softly to help Y/N fall asleep. "Thanks, Cesar, for everything." Y/N said as their eyes are only partially open. "No need to thank me, dear. I love you very much." He said kissing Y/N forehead. "Love you too..." then they both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Thanks for reading! Have a good day, and drink your water or else :)

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