Random Headcanons

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Mark Headcanons!

- He is very sensitive to loud noises like at parties or social gatherings.

-  favorite food is cheese pizza

- CRAVES physical attention

- Wears hoodies because he can get cold easily.

- Likes playing video games with Cesar.

- A god at Uno. He will get every good card and wins every time.

- Likes watching horror movies before bed and regretting it later.

- He is very protective of his sister, Sarah. When she gets hurt in any way he will know.

Cesar Headcanons!

- When he gets angry in a fight, he yells at everyone in Spanish.

- When he was younger, He would tell Mark ghost stories right before bed and have him not sleep all night.

- He sleeps over at Mark's house all the time. Never at his house since Mark is scared of it.

- His favorite flavour of ice cream is chocolate

- He was popular at school and almost everyone had a crush on him. However, this poor aroace man never really felt any romantic attraction to any of his classmates.

- He has a small garden of flowers in his backyard.

- He doesn't like board games. No reason, he just doesn't find them entertaining.

Adam Headcanons!

- he met Jonah in elementary school when he went to the nurse's office for fighting another student.

- Learned how to drive at a very young age and passed the driver's ed test perfectly.

- He can't remember his mom's face, but remembers her voice.

- LOVES potato chips for some reason.

- He likes to hang out with Evelyn at fast food places and at parks.

- He also likes to give Evelyn cool rocks he found on the road.

Jonah Headcanons!

- His favorite food is garlic bread

- Sometimes get jealous of Adam and Evelyn's relationship for two reasons. 1. He's still single 2. He doesn't get that much attention from his friend.

- However, Jonah and Evelyn are good friends even though he can get jealous.

- His favorite color is purple and yellow. I will die on this hill.

- When he met Adam in the nurses office at elementary school, he was there because he tripped on his shoelaces onto concrete.

- He gets anxious a lot. Especially when Adam and him are in public because the cops could see them.

- Wants a pet cat, but he's allergic so he can't.

Thanks for reading! I am in desperate need of requests or ideas for my books lmao. But that's fine. Have a great day!

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