Chapter 32

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Jasmine started to wake but then Raze's voice whispered, "Shhh, go back to sleep Trouble, we have our daughter." She felt lips on her forehead as she drifted back to sleep.

"Hey Little One, shhh Mommy's sleeping," Lucian smiled softly as he entered the hallway.

"Me no feel good Daddy Lulu," Lilly whimpered as she held her stomach.

"Oh no, poor baby," he frowned as he gently picked her up. "Let's get you—" Just then she threw up and began crying.

"Mommy!" She sobbed.

Jasmine opened the door and gasped as she took in what was happening. "Oh my sweet little girl, it's okay," she said as she pulled Lilly into her arms.

"Uh Sweetie," Lucian started to say.

"Come on, let's get both of you in the bath," Raze said as he pulled his shirt that he was slipping on down over his chest.

"She's running a fever," Jasmine said as she pulled her wrist off of Lilly's forehead.

"You can tell just from feeling her head?" Daemon asked and Jasmine nodded. "Must be a mom thing," he mumbled as he began cleaning up the throw up off the ground.

"I will do it," Jasmine said but he shook his head.

"I already have it," Daemon said as he kept cleaning. "You get Little One all cleaned up."

"Get her in the bath Babe," Asher said hanging up his phone. "Dr. Olsen is on his way."

"You already?" She asked shocked then smiled fondly, "thank you."

"She's our daughter," Raze said softly gripping her chin. "Now come on let's get the both of you cleaned up then back to bed."

"Daddy," Lilly whined then her chest jerked and she threw up again, "I sorry."

"Don't you worry about it, Little One," Daemon shook his head. "It's okay, let's just get you to the bathroom. It's okay, Sweet Pea."

"Come on," Jasmine said soothingly. "Mommy has you." She picked her up and followed Raze to the bathroom. She placed Lilly in front of the toilet then helped her get undressed.

"There you go," Raze said as he started the shower, "once you get washed off then just start the bath and both of you relax. The rest of the guys will be here, I'm going to the store to get stuff to make soup and stock up on drinks."

"Thank you, Angel," Jasmine said as she fussed over Lilly.

"Stop thanking us, Trouble," he said softly, "this is what family does."

"I...I...," she sighed, smiled softly and nodded.

"She okay?" Asher asked as he took the cleaning supplies from Daemon.

"They will be with our care," Raze nodded as Daemon headed to the laundry room, stripped then headed to his bathroom to take a shower. "Lucian, get cleaned up as well, Lilly got some on you. I'll grab their clothes and start a new load. Call Mrs. Beverly and tell her not to come today and let's make sure any work we have can wait until they are better. Let's get ready for whatever Doc says."

"Got it," Lucian said as he went to his room.

Raziel started a load of laundry then grabbed his keys and headed to his truck. "Hey Boss," David said as he approached him.

"What?" He asked, "I need to head to the store, Little One is sick."

"Ken is demanding that he talk to you," David said sighing. "I keep telling him that you are busy but he's threatening to come down here and force you to talk to him."

Raziel chuckled, "I'd like to see him try." He shook his head, "Just tell him that I will call him back when I can, but it won't be for at least a couple of days. Don't tell him our daughter is sick."

"Never Boss," David shook his head and walked off.

Raziel sent out a quick text before getting into his truck and drove off. By the time he got back, he saw Dr. Olsen's car in the driveway. "How long as he been here?" He asked as Asher and Lucian came out to help unload the car.

"About fifteen minutes now," Asher said chuckling when he saw all the bags in the back. "Looks like you got more than just groceries."

"Yeah, well you know you would have done the same if you went," Raze shrugged.

"True," Asher nodded as they headed inside.

Raziel got started on making some homemade chicken and dumplings and when it was about halfway done, Dr. Olsen came out of Lilly's room. "How is she, Doc?" All four men asked at the same time making him chuckle.

"She just caught a little stomach bug and upper respiratory infection, Boys," he said as he shut his bag. "It has nothing to do with her allergy and she will be fine in just a few of days. Lots of rest and liquids and I called her in some antibiotics and steroids. They will be ready for pick up in about an hour. That's all you can do, Boys. You need to prepare yourselves to feel helpless, it's part of being a parent when your child is sick. You can't just wave a magic wand and make it go away. Let her sleep as much as she wants and try to get as much liquids in her as possible so she doesn't get dehydrate from throwing up so much. Listen to that woman in there, she knows what to do. Do NOT overstep, Momma is in full Mother Bear mode right now."

"Yes Sir," they said nodding. "Thanks Doc."

"No problem," he chuckled. "It's about damn time and I have to say, I like coming out here for more than stab wounds and bullet holes."

"Ha ha ha," Asher rolled his eyes.

Dr. Olsen smirked and left. Raziel checked on the food then sighed as he heard Jasmine take Lilly to the bathroom to throw up again. They looked at one another and frowned, they hated hearing her be sick and crying. Lucian and Daemon walked off.

"It's set up," Lucian said as they came back a few minutes later.

"This is just about done, go check on them," Raze nodded as he pulled out bowls.

A few minutes later he saw Jasmine walk by while holding Lilly. "Mommy," she gasped in excitement making Raze chuckle.

"Wow," Jasmine smiled softly. "Look at that, it's your own little movie theater and they even made you a pillow fort with lots of blankies and stuffies."

"Taint too Daddies," she said sadly. "I like lots."

"Do you know which Pokemon movie you want to watch, Sweet Pea?" Lucian asked and she pointed out her favorite. "Awesome, go get comfy and I'll start it for you."

Jasmine watched as Daemon took her from her arms and helped get her all set up. A few minutes later Raze came in carrying a tray and placed it in her lap so she could eat. Asher gently led her to get comfortable on the couch then placed a tray in her lap as well. She smiled fondly as she watched them dote all over her daughter. She could get use to this.

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