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Authors POV:

   Y/N  lazily opened the lock to her shared
apartment at 1 am in the morning. Y/N closed the door behind her before slipping off her shoes. She made her way towards the bedroom where soft snores could be heard.

Y/N pushed the door to fully enter the room.
She slipped her purse down on her vanity before starting to unbutton her white blouse. Y/N continued to strip herself of her clothing but was interrupted by a groan from the sleeping figure on the bed.

Y/N looked at the stirring figure. Joey looked as if he were trying to hold something to his chest. Y/N smiled goofily, finally understanding his
actions. He had been searching for Y/N's
presence on the bed. Y/N quickly slipped on
one of Joey's black shirts and kept on her
panties. She slipped under the sheets and into
the arms of Joey.

Y/N melted in his arms, closing her eyes getting ready to fall asleep. Until she felt something press against her stomach. Joey's hips slightly thrusted against Y/N's stomach confirming her

She gulped trying to tear herself away from Joey. She successfully got off the bed. Y/N decided to take some medicine to help her sleep. Instead of being bothered with Joey's... problem.

Her and Joey hadn't gotten that far into their relationship. They've only gone halfway and could never move on. While Y/N was in her thoughts, she opened a pill bottle and popped a pill into her mouth.

Gulping it down with some water. Y/N set the
pill bottle and water bottle down.

Before Y/N could slip back under the covers of the bed, her legs rubbed against each other as
sudden wetness appeared between her thighs.
Y/N quickly went to look at the pill bottle on
her desk. She read the label making her slap her
forehead. 'Sex Drive Pills' The wetness between her thighs only got worse. Y/N cursed under her breath forgetting that she bought these pills a few months back. Using them once in a while. But tonight wasn't the time to use them.

Y/N put down the bottle and made her way to the bed. She could probably get herself off looking at Joey's  sleeping figure. Y/N slipped off her panties and threw them onto the ground. She got under the covers facing her sleeping boyfriend.

His sweatpants were stained due to his precum.
Y/N gulped unconsciously, reaching out to Joey's erection. She tried to knock herself out of her senses but couldn't control herself. She decided grinding on Joey's member would probably help both of their problems.

She bit her lips and hastily yanked Joey out of his sweatpants. Y/N got rid of her shirt making both figures completely naked. Y/N slowly crawled on top of Joey. She let out a soft moan when her clit was met with his erection. She slowly moved her hips rubbing herself against his dick. She held onto Joey's chest for support as she continued
to grind against him. After grinding on Joey's dick for a while, Y/N realized that she wouldn't be able to get herself off like this.

She decided to only slide the tip of Joey's
cock into her. She lifted her hips before sinking
down on Joey's tip. She bit her lip as her
hips slowly rose and fell. Before she knew it
Y/N took Joey's whole cock into her.
She moaned leaning her head back from being
all filled up.

Joey stirred in his sleep before
his hips started to buck, his cock wanting more
attention. Y/N heaved herself up before
sinking back down. Her pace got faster making
her let out soft moans occasionally. Y/N felt
herself nearing her climax so she whispered out
some dirty words to the sleeping boy beneath
her. Dirty talking was her weakness so she was
sure to cure her sudden horniness with only one
round of intercourse.

"If only you were awake to see how fucking tight and wet I am for you Joey, I want you to fuck my brains out till I can't say anything but your name. Fuck! I'm cumming!"

Y/N bounced on Joey's member before cumming onto his dick. She got off his dick her cum falling out of her core. She was about to reach out for a tissue to clean up the mess she made but was suddenly pinned to the bed.

"You took advantage of me when I was sleeping

She gulped as Joey's hot gaze stared her down. "I-I'm sorry Joey but I couldn't control myself. I accidentally-" Joey cut her off by pressing his lips against hers. He pulled away and smirked. "You
accidentally hopped on my dick baby? You could have just woke me up." Y/N turned her head to the side feeling embarrassed due to her previous actions.

"It's fine baby I forgive you. But you need to make up for it." Y/N looked back at Joey confused. Then Joey pushed his member into Y/N making her release a moan.

"You did say to fuck your brain out so that's what I'll do baby." Joey softly nipped at Y/N's neck as his hips slowly thrusted into Y/N.

Y/N covered her face with her hand. "How long were you awake?" Her voice muffled due to her hands. Joey took off Y/N's hands from her face. "The second you sank down on me. But baby don't be embarrassed we all have our urges." He gave her a peck before speeding up his thrusts. His hand held Y/N's as he sucked on her neck.
Y/N moaned out at the pleasure he was giving her.

She felt her high coming as she was still sensitive from her previous orgasm. "J-Joey I'm coming!" Joey's hand softly rubbed Y/N's clit giving the extra push she needed for her orgasm. She moaned out as she released all over Joey's cock. Joey groaned as Y/N tightened around him. He
thrusted a few more times before he came inside Y/N.

Y/N thought that Joey would pull out and they would head to sleep but boy was she wrong. Joey put Y/N on her hands and knees before re-entering her. He let out a soft groan as her tight heat sucked in his cock. He paused for a moment before he crashed his hips against Y/N's ass.

Y/N's hands tightly clenched the bedsheets from the pleasure she was receiving. Joey kept
pounding his cock into Y/N's tight walls as
his hands gripped onto her hips tightly. He had
been dreaming of this moment forever but
Y/N being the older one in the relationship
felt as if they should wait before committing.
Y/N's walls suddenly tightened around Joey's member making him snap out of his thoughts. Y/N let out a scream of his name before she came once again. "J-Joey I'm too sensitive..Let's stop~"

Joey only repositioned the girl so she was laying on her side. He laid behind her thrusting himself into her as he held her leg up.

"This is part of your punishment baby."

Joey's member throbbed as he was close to his climax. He came into Y/N with a loud groan escaping his lips. But he kept moving his hips, not showing any sign of exiting from Y/N's tight hole. "Fuck you wrap around me so tight baby" Y/N felt herself clench around Joey's cock from his dirty talking. Joey smirked when the realization hit him. His hot breath fanned against Y/N's ear as he shifted closer to her. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow. Joey's deep voice and dirty words made Y/N let out a soft moan and clench herself around Joey. "When I'm done with you your pussy's gonna be dripping with my cum. Y/N let out a loud moan before she climaxed once again. Joey groaned knowing that he wouldn't last long.

He quickly changed their position and pounded into Y/N at an incredibly fast speed. Y/N's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was very overstimulated by the pleasure she was receiving. Her hands scratched at Joey's back making little
imprints on his skin. Joey slammed into Y/N one more time before he shot his cum into her. He let out a moan before slowly pulling out his member from Y/N's core. His cum fell out of her core, staining the sheets. Y/N let out deep breaths as her legs shook due to all the overstimulation she had gotten.

Joey smiled apologetically at Y/N  before
carrying her to the bathroom.

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