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   "Heyyy bestie!" my best friend Sasha shouts through the phone. "Wassup shawtyy" I reply laughing. I lay in Joey's bed, he is next to me. My best friend and I are facetiming right now.

"So how was your day?" I ask to begin a
conversation. We talk about random things,
trends, styles and more girly stuff. While talking I notice Joey staring at me. But as I look at him, his eyes rush back down to his phone. "Are you okay?" I ask, when I catch him again.

His hand runs down from my stomach to my
waistband. A smirk appears on Joey's face
when he slides his fingers inside of my panties.

A light moan escapes my lips and I can feel how
wet I am now. "Yeah w-wait a second Sasha" I
stutter before pressing the mute button. "What the f-fuck are you doing?" I mumble between soft moans. He rubs me faster and faster and I want him, but I also want to talk to Sasha, so let's do multitasking.

I nod in the direction between my legs and unmute myself again. "Hi l'm back! Sorry, I-I had
to talk to my mom." I say trying not to call Joey 'daddy'.

"It's okay, where were we? Ahh, yeah, soo he
said.." Sasha keeps talking and I just say "mhm"
or  "yeah totally" because I don't want her to
hear my breathing getting heavier.

He goes down to my lower body. I move my hips up, so that he can take off my sweatpants. I feel the cold air on my wet pussy, a feeling that hits different. Joey opens my legs with a smirk and crawls in between them. He gives me the 'you ready?' look and I just reply with one second of eye contact.

That means yes to him.

I drop my mouth open when I feel his tongue
making strips up between my folds while
holding deep eye contact.

He squeezes my tights with his big hands while
going faster. I have to make a straight face, which is extremely hard when Joey is eating you up.

His tongue flicks my clit aggressively, I lose my
breath for a second.

"Are you okay?" Sasha asks a little worried. "Y-
yeah of course, keep talking" I smile at her and
she just keeps talking about her boyfriend and her bla bla..

I feel him again between my legs. He sucks on
my clit and there are already two fingers inside
of my wet ass pussy. I place my hand on his fluffy hair  and push him more into me. Joey groans against me while making me come closer to my climax. That sends vibrations through my body and i get goosebumps all over my skin.

I push him more and more in. Almost his whole
face is gone. "Mhm yeah" I whimper, keeping the moans and noises in my mouth. "Shit I have to hang up I'm really sorry!" I shout before hanging up. After that, I throw the phone beside me on the bed not stopping to push his face into my pussy.

"Fuckkk Joey you're so good" I moan loudly. Now I can be loud. "Oh shit Joey!" I scream his name. my hands grab the sheets, pulling them. my toes curl when he brings me up to my high. "Fuck I-I-I'm cuming" I shout between loud moans and squeaks. "Mmm you taste so good I could do that all day" Joey mumbles while eating me out. I chuckle at these words. He is so fucking hot. Joey swallows it all up which turns me on again.

Damn this man could face fuck me until I bleed and I would thank him tbh.

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