Please be Quieter

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You're sitting in your room as Joey edits a podcast video. You're bored out of your mind and decide to take a shower to pass the time. Plus, you could use one anyway. "I'm gonna go take a shower." You say getting up and stretching before heading to the bathroom.

"Can I join?" Joey asks, getting up to follow you. "Not in the shower, no. " You say locking the door that separates the toilet and the shower from the sinks. "Come on..." He says from the other side of the door. "Nah, I'd like to actually get clean." You say, getting undressed and turning the shower on. "You can still do that." He says, defending himself. "Look, we can have a little fun first and then you can really shower." You think about it for a second.

"Nope." You answer as you let the water wash
over you.

"Why can't we have shower sex?" He pouts.
"Because, well, there are a lot of reasons.

Number one being that we are not going to fuck
in a shower right next to your best friends
bedroom while she's in there."

"I'm with Y/N on that!" You hear Jenn shout
from her room as she starts to play music to
drown out your conversation with Joey.
Joey groans in frustration. "Sorry Joey." You say as you rinse the shampoo out of your hair.
"Okay, but, you told me that the shower sex
we've had was some of the best sex ever, and I
know you weren't lying because your legs were
shaking so hard after, that you couldn't walk."
He points out.

The music in Jenn's room gets louder and you laugh.

"I really don't think Jenn likes this
conversation." You say. "No, I don't! The walls are very thin in this house and I can't find my headphones!" She shouts from her room as she turns up the music even more.

"Yo, who's blasting music'?" You hear Sage say from the hallway. "You should leave right now Sage!" Jenn warns. "Why? What's going on?" Sage asks in confusion. "Don't ask." You hear Jenn say darkly. You hear Joey open the door and leave the bathroom. "Oh thank god." Jenn says turning her music down.

"Sage." You hear Joey say.

"What Jenn meant to say is that I'm about to have super hot shower sex with my girlfriend and you should really go somewhere else. Maybe leave the house." He says seriously.

You hear Sage laugh awkwardly.

"No he's not!" You call from the bathroom
"Damn it!" Joey yells from the hall. "Come on

"No!" You call back. "Great, now you guys have ruined my chances. Joey says irritably.
"Sorry bro." Sage says. "There were no chances to start with, don't lie to them Joey." You say.

You hear Joey grumble to himself and go back
into your room. A few minutes later you finish
your shower and wrap a towel around yourself
and head back into your room to get dressed.
Joey is sitting at his desk editing, doing his
best to ignore you.

"Don't be so dramatic." You say.
He spins around in his chair to look at you.
"I'm not tying to pressure you into sex, don't get
me wrong. I was just trying to pressure you into
some of the best sex you'll ever have."

"Joey. Yes. You are absolutely correct. It's
fabulous fucking sex. However. Last time, I
couldn't walk after. Not only could I not walk because of how amazing the sex was, but I was
also sore for three days. I prefer to pick my
battles, and today, and for the next three days.
That's not one of them."

"Oh." He says his expression softening. "I didn't
know I was a sex god. I'm sorry."
"You are not a sex god." You say, rolling your
eyes as you pick out some clothes to wear.
You feel his hands on your hips.

"I kind of am, However, regular sex doesn't
make you sore? Right?" He asks. You laugh and turn around so you're facing him. "Well aren't you just a horny little muffin
today?" You say. He looks at you taken aback.

"Don't call me a muffin." He says seriously.
You laugh again at his serious tone and he grabs
your hips pulling your body against his. Your
breath hitches at his intense stare and a
whimper escapes your lips. "What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing." You lie.

"I think that was the sound of someone who's
kind of turned on right now." He says as he tugs
on the edge of your towel to loosen it.
You swallow and attempt to pull the towel back

"No, no it wasn't." You deny.

"Come on Y/N stop denying me. You know you
want it." He says in an exasperated voice.
"How do you know that?" You ask. "Because you haven't gotten mad at me yet." He answers. "You're teasing me. I know you are." You bite your lip at his annoyed tone.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" You ask.
He looks at you and his eyes darken with lust
making you whimper again.

"I would tell you but then that would ruin the
punishment. Better to leave you anticipating.
He says. You bite your lip again as he starts to pull your towel off.

"I think this has to go first though." He says
letting it drop to the floor.

"Jenn! I would suggest finding those headphones or leaving!" He says not breaking eye contact with you. "Oh my god." You hear Jenn say as she goes downstairs.

"Go sit." Joey says pointing to the bed.

You do as your told, afraid to disobey. "Wrists." He says demandingly. You immediately hold your wrists out and he ties them tightly with a soft ribbon. "Safe word is muffin." He whispers softly in your ear. You smile to yourself at the choice of word. He sits on the bed and points at his lap.

"Lay down." You hesitate for a second. You've never gone this far with your foreplay before, but what the heck. It's a new experience. So you follow his directions.

He rubs his hand over your exposed skin and brings his hand down in a harsh slap. You whimper and he pauses before delivering another harsh slap. You gasp and consider using the safe word, not sure if this is for you, but at the third slap you feel yourself getting wetter and you moan. "Hmmm.." he says. "Seems like you're enjoying this a bit too much. Get on the bed on your stomach.

You do exactly what he says with some difficulty
due to your bound wrists. You wait for a moment and then feel his hands gently rubbing up your thighs. He reaches your hips and forces them up making you rest on your knees with your face pushed against the bed and your hands bound in front of you. He slaps your ass again and you moan.

"Okay, enough of this." He says harshly. You gasp as he enters you suddenly and cry out in pain as he starts to thrust without letting you adjust to his size.

"Sorry baby." He says softly. "But this is a
punishment after all." You whimper at his words and gasp as he hits your g-spot. "There it is." He says, thrusting harder. You moan uncontrollably and bite your lip to try to quiet yourself.

"I want to hear you baby." He says.

"But the roommates-" You start but you're cut
off as he delivers another slap to your ass.

You whimper and he thrusts harder. "I don't care about them. I want to hear you." You keep trying to hold in your moans but it feels too good, you just can't anymore. You moan loudly as he keeps hitting your g-spot at the perfect angle. "Good girl." He groans, his thrusts getting sloppy.

You gasp and moan uncontrollably as your
orgasm rushes through you. Your walls clench
around him and he grips your hips as he
releases inside you. He thrusts gently as your
highs die down and pulls out. He unties your
wrists and you collapse, exhausted. He lays next
to you and gently rubs your ass. You wince at
the stinging sensation.

"I'm sorry." He says softly. "Don't be, it was kinda hot." You say. "Told you I was a sex god."

You laugh and close your eyes

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