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Joey and Y/N have been make out friends for
months now. They began as good friends but
would always sneak in flirty comments about
each other. Now each day, they laid on his bed with their lips roughly connected as their tongues dance around each other. Joey's hands have never wandered below her belt and their clothes have never left their bodies.

Joey's ring filled hand travelled up Y/N's small body before attaching itself to her breast, making her let out a gasp in shock and pleasure. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Joey stuttered as he removed his hand from it's grasp on her breast.

"It's okay, I didn't mind" Y/N hesitated her words as she looked into his strong dark brown eyes that shot back at her with intimidation.
"Have you ever had sex before?" He suddenly
spat taking her by dismay.

"No," Y/N answered truthfully. Shamefully
enough, her first ever kiss was on Joey's lips.
Of course, she never told him this with a fear of
being too inexperienced for his liking.

"Well, would you like to? With me?" He asked.
It was hard for Y/N to say no to the attractive
man hovering above her. She felt her face go
hot with an array of uneasiness and lust.
"Yeah, as long as you talk me through it," Y/N
compromised, which made Joey smile. The
butterflies in her stomach soared around as
she spoke. "Would you like to right now?" He inquired, which made the butterflies pound the walls of her stomach.

"Okay," Y/N ripped small chunks of skin off
from the inside of her lips, using her teeth to do so. "This involves removing our clothes"
Y/N sat up from her position and wrapped her
fingers around the hem of her pink t-shirt,
before pulling it up and over her head, her long
brown locks falling back onto her bare
shoulders as she pulled the shirt away.

"Don't worry, you're beautiful," he praised as
he unbuckled his belt. Y/N smiled like a fool at
his words that had so much power to her.
She slid her leggings down, exposing nearly all
of her skin to him. She stayed sitting on his
queen bed in her black underwear and bra as
she tried to build the courage to take the rest of
what was covering her off.

"Do you want me to do the rest?" He asked as
he became slightly impatient with her stalling.
"S-sure." Y/N muttered. Joey stepped towards her slowly before reaching behind her back and unclipping her bra with ease. He slid the padded material down her arms before tossing it to join the pile of clothes on the ground. She watched his dark brown eyes light up as he examined her breasts, he shook his head as he brought himself back to reality. He continued to strip her of her clothing by pulling down her lace black underwear.

Once her final piece of clothing was gone to the floor, he moved over to his wooden dresser before opening the top drawer. He rummaged through his clothing before drawing a black wrapper into his hand.

"This is a condom, you know what that is
right?" He inquired. Y/N nodded swiftly as she
looked up at him. "I'm gonna finger you first, it'll hurt less if I do this," he explained before walking back over the bed, sitting the condom onto his bed side table before hovering over her. He rubbed the higher part of her pussy momentarily before gliding a singular finger into her.

This was a new sensation for her, his
finger felt rather alien inside of her.
"Are you okay if I add another?" He questioned
as his second finger prodded at her entrance
hole. Y/N nodded skittishly.
"I need you to say it," he stated with
dominance clear in his words.
"Yes Joey" Y/N vocalized as she looked into
his eyes. Her curious eyes wandered down to
his boxers, she could see his erect penis
throbbing through his boxers. He added his
second finger, she heaved and gripped the
sheets as she felt him stretch her hole.

"One more," he nodded to her. His third finger
entered her with force, this time the pain was
present. She let out a breathy moan as he
began moving his fingers in and out of her. The
pain was subsiding as her pleasure built, he
curved his fingers inside of her, hitting a spot
she didn't know existed. "You like that baby?" He asked after she moaned. Y/N nodded as he hit that same spot again. His fingers stopped inside of her, she groaned at the loss of pleasure.

"If you want me to keep going, you have to speak," he intimidated. "Yes Joey, I like it" Y/N finally answered. His fingers started their thrust again. "Do you think you're ready for my dick, baby?" He detached his fingers from inside of her. "Yes Joey" Y/N whimpered. She wanted this

He stood up and removed his boxers, allowing
his hard penis to relieve itself from the restraining material. He took a stern stare at
the condom before tossing it to her with a

"I want you to learn to how to put one on" he
chirped, she grabbed the small package and
held it in her hand. "I-I don't know how" Y/N stuttered her words, hoping that her inexperience wouldn't pester him. "Just open the package, take it out, and roll it onto me" he educated.

She fumbled with the package before tearing it open, Joey took a pace closer to her, his cock now close enough to touch. She took the lubed latex ring out, she hesitated before grabbing "it" and rolling the condom on.

"It might hurt at first, but soon it'll be nothing
but pleasure," he got back on top of her. Y/N's
erect nipples lightly graced his chest.
"Alright, I'm gonna push into you now" he
warned as he prepared his tip at her entrance.
"Please, just go slow" she begged. His size
intimidated her and she wanted anything but
pain. "I will" he comforted her before entering his tip into her.

He watched her reaction to his tip before
pushing the rest of his cock inside her. She
gripped the sheets and hissed at the pain, he
noticed and pulled out of her before trying once

This time, the pleasure was present, he
rocked his hips which forced his cock to thrust
inside of her, she moaned at the pleasure she
was receiving. "You like this, love?" He forced himself to. speak with a groan.

Y/N once again, nodded.

"Words," he demanded as he stopped moving,
which ripped the pleasure away from her.
"Yes," Y/N replied. He smirked before thrusting
again, even faster than he had been before.
She let out a loud moan of satisfaction, Joey's
parents were off working, meaning that they
didn't have to worry about keeping their
moans down.

"Joey, m-my stomach," Y/N panicked as it
became heavy and throbbing.
"That's an orgasm, release whenever you're
ready" he instructed. His hand travelled down
again before colliding with one of her sensitive

Y/N's orgasm felt seconds away from bursting,
it gave its final tightening before she released
wetness all over Joey's cock, that didn't slow
down his thrust pace. Joey worked her
through her orgasm before allowing himself
his. His arms shook as he dumped his seed into
the condom.

He pulled out of her slowly before flopping his
sweaty body next to hers. He pulled the semen
filled condom off himself before tying up the plastic and discarding it into the trash can next
to his wooded bed frame. "Did you enjoy it?" he asked with heavy breath as he covered the both of them with a soft blanket. "It was amazing," Y/N praised as she brought the blanket up to her chest. A thin layer of after sex sweat covered both of them. "Do you think we could fuck instead of make out?" He asked which made that same feeling of neediness return to her stomach. "If it means we get to do that again, then yes, Y/N answered without a doubt in her sexually scattered mind.

"There's a whole world of pleasure out there
darling, let me show you." he persuaded as his
arm wrapped around her.

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