shitpost 1 - Headspace Kel Angst

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shitpost LMAO

"Kel...." The voice of a girl can be heard. It was Mari, the girl who hanged around by the tree.

"Kel, you never told us you felt this way.." The voice of a boy can be heard next. It was Hero. The man who- um i dont have any good jokes for him.

You see, omori encouraged kel to write a porem and kel did so but it was a depreesing one.

"ever since ehctor feel off my pcoket, i was deppresed, but i put on a happy mash on my fave to make me seem happy, but deep down im crying and hurt, crying so much im prolly 100% water now, it hurts. i cant hide it anymorr, so i share my words with a peom. On this paper, my tears has been stained on it so yyou can smell it when you wanna know what my tears smell likr.


it was so sad omori became deppresed and used it as his new sad poem that made everyone deppresed ezcept sweetheart since shes too much of an amazing (yet not so nice personality) perso- DONUT. yes this is sweetheary appreciation anyways moving on to watermelon kid that tastes like shit

basil, the shitty kid who decided to watch mari hang around by the tree (one of the readons why mari was hangin around the tree ejoying her time in the afterlife) was in so much shock that he decided to blackspacedeath and everyone got traumatized by that except omor.

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