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Leaf wasn't shocked, not too much. She was just angry. Had Horizon really done this? Why? Surely she couldn't have done it alone. Leaf carefully crept around the strange symbol, with Adder following. As they came out of the cave, Leaf found herself in the Shadow Forest, although the only way she could tell the difference between it and the Shadow Cats' territory nowadays was that the trees seemed charred.
Leaf growled. She had to talk to Horizon! She had to question her. Overwhelmed by anger and not looking back at Adder, Leaf dashed forwards, carefully avoiding the vines.
"Wait! I can't keep up!"
Leaf slowed and glanced back at Adder, who, was, indeed, struggling to keep up. But while she wasn't looking, she accidentally stepped on one of the vines. She yelped and tried to retract her paw, but the vines had already wrapped around it. Leaf cursed. "Adder, go!"
"Where?" Adder asked, her eyes wide with worry.
Leaf stared at her when she realized...where could she go? The camp was overrun and they'd been seperated from the Group. "Go to the Dawn Cats." Leaf meowed. She yelped as the vine wrapped around her, squeezing tightly. She coughed, feeling her lungs squeeze. "Go!" She rasped.
Adder, looking terrified, dashed off. Leaf let out another cough as the vines squeezed tighter. Her vision began to blur and rage filled her.
Horizon...how could she..?
And then the world tilted and everything went black.

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