Chapter 3 *He left me part 1

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{Chrissy P.O.V}

Why did Madison leave me with this Mitch . I mean I am going to Swiss Beats party that's awesome cause I might see Alica Keys but I still don't wanna be with Chris

Chris: Tonight your gonna go in a room and stay there until it's finish

Chrissy: But what if

Chris: No but's arriving at swiss beat house and parking in front his yard just stay in a room. U know how to walk a red carpet

Chrissy: Plz once I'm in these Jordans I can

We walked on the carpet going inside. Everybody was asking Chris if I was his daughter. I wanted to say "HELL NAW never in life" but I'm not that rude. When I was finish passing the crowd I ran upstairs in a room I just started BBming(Blackberry messaging) my BFF Elizabeth

Swagg♫,Lover❤,Boss★(Me): Hey lizzie -__________-

Misfit and Mindless💚❤💜lizzie💙 (Her): Why you look sad

Remember Madison carried me to my "parent"?

Misfit and Mindless💚❤💜lizzie💙: Yea

Swagg♫,Lover❤,Boss★:Well it turns out to be Chris Brown and he's my brother and tonite he had to go to a Swiss Beats and I came is just I can't see him I'm stuck in a room by myself

Misfit and Mindless💚❤💜lizzie💙: Why don't you just go in the Kids room they have kids you know

Swagg♫,Lover❤,Boss★: Thanks for reminding me Lol

Misfit and Mindless💚❤💜lizzie💙: No probs oh and I did that to cause my Boyfriend just texted me

Swagg♫,Lover❤,Boss★: HOW RUDE!!!!!

Misfit and Mindless💚❤💜lizzie💙: I like it when you say that. Bye ❤

Swagg♫,Lover❤,Boss★: Whatever Bye ❤

I walked over to a room and I opened it and saw Alicia Keys with a cute little baby

Chrissy: Hi

Alicia: Hi Chris Kid right

Chrissy: Sister

Alicia: Well you can stay here until Chris wants to go

Chrissy: Thanks

Alicia: You babysit

Chrissy: Yep

Alicia: Well you like to babysit while I'm in the party

Chrissy: I would love to hold him

She left and it was just me and a cute baby who might fall asleep in like 4mintues or more.

And I was correct he fell asleep after I read him a book

It's 1:30am I should see if Mr. Drunk by now(Chris) is ready to go home

I walked downstairs and Rihanna stopped me

Rihanna: You came with Chris right

Chrissy: Yea

Rihanna: He just left

Chrissy: What!! Excuse me

A crowd was still there so I just called out his name


Infront of Swiss Beats House

Sitting on the side walk his house

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