Oh hell no

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Chris P.O.V

{In front of Vanessa (my sister) House}

Chrissy: Do you have to bring me here?

Chris: Yes I don’t want you in my life and plus I’m having a girl over

Chrissy: Mumbling I’m surprize you don’t have a million babies

Chris: What?

Chrissy: Nothing just ring the door bell

I rang it but no one answered

Chrissy: Oh well no one home I better go to the car I’ll be waiting

Chris: Wait come here pulling her back One ring and you wanna go

Chrissy: Yep

Chris: I told you I want you to go

Chrissy: And I wanna stay but live with someone else

We started arguing. When Vanessa’s neighbor saw us 

???:Um Hi

Chris: Hi

???:What are you doing here

Chris: For my sister

???: Vanessa went away like 3months ago so you wouldn’t see her until 4 months

Chrissy: YES!!!!!!! HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE doing her happy dance HA

Chris: Thanks

Not really. When I was walking to the car I called Terrence

Chris: Aye Terrence yea be over at my house in 10mintues and bring Nicki

Chrissy: I’m scared

Chris: starting the engine Why?

Chrissy: Cause you might kill me

Chris: Oh I might do that all right

Chrissy: You do that cause I’m sure Enews would love a new headline Chris Brown killed his lil sister

Chris: Can’t you just sit down and be quiet for one minute

Chrissy: Ok I will

I didn’t know what she was doing but after a minute she started talking again until we reached home

When I reached at my house Terrence and Nicki was over there already maybe in the house

Chris: Help walking in the door

Terrence: With what?

Nicki: And why does it involve me?

Chris: Chrissy is staying with me

Nicki: And why does that involve me?

Terrence: Nicki?

Nicki: What I need to know

Chris: I don’t know anything bout this being a guardian sh-t   
Terrence: And you want Nicki and I to help

Chris: Well yea

Nicki: First all where is Chrissy

Chris: I don’t know I got anyoed with her so I told her leave me alone

Nicki: And she did that dude go look for the girl

Chris: Na I’m good she’s gone I got me a date coming up and I don’t need her in it to ruin it

Taking Care of my Little Sister (Chris Brown Story) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now