I'm coming home

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{Chrissy P.O.V}          


I ran over to Trent’s house I guess Cassidy found out I left and have police officers looking for me

I rang his doorbell, Trent answered it

Trent: Chrissy I heard what happened at school today

Chrissy: I know coming in your parents’ home

Trent: No they on a date

Chrissy: Good I have to get to Chris House but I can’t cause police is on the spot

Trent: You wanna jump on the roof or use back yard

Chrissy: Jump on the roof #YOLO

Trent: Ok

We got on top the roof

Chrissy: Wow this is amazing looking at the stars

Trent: I know right looking at me

We heard a police siren

Trent: You better go

Chrissy: Ok jumping onto Chris roof


I came down and came through the back door

Chrissy: Rihanna hugging her

Rihanna: Chrissy Chris is out there looking for you

{Chris P.O.V}

I came at Cassidy’s house and a bunch of police officers were there

Cassidy: There he is

Police Officers came to me

Police Officer: Chris Brown you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Chrissy Brown handcuffing me you will remain silent anything you say will be used against you

Chris: I would never kidnap my little sister

{Chrissy P.O.V}


Rihanna: He is in jail they think he kidnap you

Chrissy: Let go down to the station

We drove over to the station

“Rihanna is it true that you and Chris are to be married by the end of this week”, “Chrissy why did you’re brother kidnap you”

Paparazzi was asking us

Rihanna: Chris Brown

Person at the desk: Yes only Chrissy can go his lawyer is there

They brought me into a room

Police Officer: Chrissy, I’m going to ask you some questions you can call me Ken

Chrissy: Hi Ken

Ken: Now tell me Chrissy what happened at you mom’s house

Chrissy: A  boy was supposed to show me around but instead he tried to rape me un till this girl Baja saved me so I ran away to get back home

Ken: So you don’t like living with your mom

Chrissy: If Ray is going to be there

Ken: So Chris Brown didn’t kidnap you

Chrissy: No

Ken: Chrissy you know that this will go to court

Chrissy: I know but can Chris be released

Taking Care of my Little Sister (Chris Brown Story) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now