Getting along FINALLY

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{Next Day}

[Chris P.OV]

Sh-t I got to get to the studio

Chris: CHRISSY!!! Shouting

Chrissy: Ugh work?

Chris: Yes and I'll get you breakfast

Chrissy: Ihop!!!

Chris: Ok your choice just come on I got to call Terrence and tell him meet me there

Chrissy: So what if your late going into the bathroom

Chris: I have an interview  

Chrissy: Oh ok


Terrence: Chris you know that picture with your dick

Chris: Yea

Terrence: You and Rihanna have more interviews than what I do in a week

Chris: Ugh

Chrissy: Well you showed dick and people want to know why Chris-

Chris: Eat you Pancake

Chrissy: It's called a baconpancakes take a bacon and you but it in a pancakes

Chris: Whatever I don't care

Chrissy: That's why people hate you

Chris: People don't hate me ok

Chrissy: Yea I'm sure

Chris: Are you aruging with me just because I talked about your baconpancakes

Chrissy: No cause I hate you and I never wanted my life with you leaving Ihop

Chris: Whats her prob

Terrence: I'll talk to her

{Terrence P.O.V}

What the hell happen to Chrissy back there it just not her. I saw her over at Chris's car on top the hood

Terrence: Hey what happened back there seating right next to Chrissy

Chrissy: I got a text from Madison saying that she'll be check on me and if Chris and I are arguing then she let me back at the orphanage

Terrence: So you want to make you and Chris argue so you can leave

Chrissy: Yea

Terrence: If you go back with Madison to New York Nicki , Rihanna and I will miss you and you did promise Rih Rih that you would help her with her song

Chrissy: True but I just hate Chris he's annoying and I don't live with players

Terrence: Chris is not a player. I've known him for 5years and I promise you he is not a player

Chrissy: Your sure

Terrence: Very now when Madison coming over

Chrissy: In about 2hours

Terrence: How about we go to the studio and Live our Life

Chrissy: Ok

Chrissy P.O.V

Taking Care of my Little Sister (Chris Brown Story) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now