What Lies Behind The Board In My Parents Kitchen.

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"Oh my God Bill! Are you seriously going back to your parents house? Even they didn't want to be there when we told them what happened, and showed them the history of the house! They moved out, and moved in with us, remember?" Melinda said in shock, as we sat at our kitchen table, drinking our morning cups of coffee and hot chocolate. 

Yes! My parents did move out, and Yes! They did move in with us. But they still own the property.

Anyway, "I've got to know what's behind that piece of wood Babe!" I responded, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why Bill! Why do you have to know? Why can't you just leave it alone?" she asked aggressively, staring me straight in the eye.

Now, any man in a relationship, knows that when your girlfriend/wife/or significant other, is upset, and is staring you directly in the eye, its NOT a good thing, and you need to be careful about what you say next.

I, like an idiot, said the wrong thing!

"I - I - I don't know! I - I - I just have to!" I replied nervously.

Melinda's eyes then widened.

That was the first of many "Oh Shit" moments to come.

"Well, this time, you're going alone! I'm staying here!" she stated, and slammed her cup down hard on the table, spilling hot chocolate everywhere.

She then stood up quickly, turned around, and stomped away in a huff, through the kitchen door.

"Melinda!" I called out, as she left.

After a few seconds, I got up, grabbed a few paper towels, and began cleaning up the mess.

My mother then came through the door.

"Bill! What's wrong with Melinda? She seems upset! Are you two fighting?" she asked, like mothers always do.

"No Mom! We're not fighting! We're just disagreeing!" I responded.

I finished cleaning up the mess, and put the cups in the dishwasher.

Suddenly, Melinda then came storming through the door, wearing her jacket.

"I'm going to have a cigarette! And don't you follow me! I mean it Bill!" she said, looking me dead straight in my face.

I knew to leave her alone at that point.

She then opened the back door, and stomped into the Sunroom out back.

You see, after what happened at my parents house, Melinda and I decided to smoke outside, in the sunroom, or on the front step from now on, as who knows what was on this property before we lived here.

We didn't want to take any chances.

Finding out the history of places can be a good thing sometimes, but we are kind of worried about researching our property, after what we found out about my parents house.

I mean, this land, hell, all the land on earth, even the land that you live on, has been here for at least 2000 years, and it wasn't always what it is now.

Think about it.

Anyway, the Sunroom is an 8 by 12 structure off the back door.

It is fully enclosed, with windows that can be opened to let air in, and closed to keep heat in, and the cold out.

We have a little space heater out there right now, given the fact that it's freezing outside.

It keeps the room a little bit warmer, but it's still a little cold.

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