Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: The Tree Of Life Ring

Emlyn made her way inside her home, her friends following behind her. Bob looked over to a table and ran over picking up something. "Guys remember when we went through that cavern and Emlyn asked for a flashlight? This is a flashlight!" Bob held up the gray colored flashlight and clicked the button shining a beam of light.

"That's so cool we need those!" Stella said and everyone else was in awe except Mystic.

"I can just do that with my horn though, or in this case my wand." She flicked it and a beam of light came out.

"Not everyone is friends with a unicorn Mystic." Stella replied and Mystic chuckled.

"That's because not everyone's worthy enough to have such friends." Mystic smiled sweetly and Emlyn cut in.

"Anyways times ticking we got to find a way to get to these locations." Emlyn said and the group looked at each other for ideas.

"This ring is gorgeous where did you get it?" Sarah said from across the room. She was next to Emlyn's desk which still had Castle open to the page she fell through. However, the book was completed. Emlyn crossed the room and took the ring from Sarah and inspected it.

It was the tree of life and there was a note on the table, upon inspecting it said 'Horrace'. "Well looks like Horrace is still looking after us even from a different realm." Emlyn said and tried to read what the ring said.

'سافر إلى أي مكان يرغب فيه قلبك'

"I can't read this appears to be in some ancient language, here." She handed it to Bob.

Bob looked at it and immediately answered, "Travel Anywhere Your Heart Desires. It's in Ancient Egyptian." He hands it back and everyone stares at him.

"Of course you know Morse code, you know ancient Egyptian, you know what flashlights are, what don't you know Bob?" Stella asked him and Bob shrugged.

"I know like everything trust me." He said and Sarah burst out laughing.

"He's not good at math he thinks he's 8 inches when he's really only 6." She chuckled and Bob looked highly offended.

"Didn't hear you complaining yesterday." Bob smirked and Sarah blushed.

"Anyways can we not right now, I'm guessing the ring can help us travel to each location. So Let's see if we can get to the Taj Mahal in India" Emlyn put on the ring and they all joined hands. Emlyn pictured the Taj Mahal in her mind. The pure white marble structure, surrounded by gardens, fountains and pools. Yet so perfectly symmetrical.

Next thing they knew they stood outside the Taj Mahal, and their adventure was only just beginning with 48 hours left on the clock.

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