01 - Some Time Before Midnight

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As you exited the Mega Pizzaplex, you realized that something was missing— something important. Your blood ran cold once the thought caught up to you and you could feel your heart drop in your chest.

Ryan! Where was Ryan?!

The six-year-old whom you were tasked with babysitting was now nowhere in sight, and worst of all, you didn't remember where was the last time you saw him.

You quickly turned back around and headed for the front entrance of the mall, despite exiting it just a few moments prior. Your hands unconsciously balled up into fists as adrenaline coursed through your veins.

There were many guards lining the front entrance, but you hoped that they wouldn't spot you in this tidal wave of people who were all impatiently trying to exit the mall, bunches at a time.

"Hey... miss!" A stern voice suddenly boomed behind you, freezing you to the spot, "don't you know that the mall is closed? You're not allowed to re-enter."

You bit your bottom lip hard, trying to contain the panic on your face as you turned around to face the guard, "sir, I really need to get back in there. I left something... important."

"Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. It is dangerous to enter the mall after hours."

What kind of nonsense was that? This has got to be some kind of new way to rip off money from customers because even if you were to come back tomorrow, it would require you to buy another day pass in order to enter the establishment.

"Please, sir," you batted your eyes up at the guard, "I left a child in there."

The guard's expression still didn't loosen up even one bit, "my team will go look for her—"


"...yes. Look for him later, when everyone has exited the building. You have to stay calm, miss."

The guard looked at you sternly for a moment before spotting a younger boy behind you, pushing one of his friends in a joking manner before bursting out into laughter.

"Ex-excuse me! No shoving!" The officer called out, quickly pushing through the crowd in order to deal with the situation.

This was your chance!

Without thinking too long, you slipped between the people and before you knew it, you were back inside the mall.

You noticed how quiet it was in comparison to just a few moments ago. The silence was only broken by the sound of faint conversations that could be overheard from the other side of the door. The humming of the air conditioning provided you with relief from the outside heat, but you couldn't seem to feel it as sweat still pooled at your brow.

You needed to find Ryan before you were caught!

Gathering all your wits, you started running through the mall, making sure to thoroughly inspect every shop... every nook and cranny.

You didn't feel confident that those guards would be of any help in finding Ryan. You knew that boy and you knew how tiny and slippery he was. You often joked that he could become a world-class robber in the future—his cat-like agility and his size did nothing but help him avoid being caught. That is why you wanted to look for him yourself.

Your lungs began to burn and your legs felt as if they were about to buckle beneath you. But you couldn't stop. How would you be able to tell Mrs. Emily that you've lost her son?

Finally, after it seemed like you had been running for years, you heard his squeaky voice followed by some giggles.

As you rounded the corner, you spotted Ryan and a strange man you have never seen before. He was very tall and lean with blinding blond hair and a colorful outfit. His handsome face was decorated with a smile as he was about to give in to Ryan's outstretched hands and pick him up but suddenly stopped midway.

His scorching eyes met yours.

Your first reaction was to feel embarrassed. You were disheveled and panting heavily, strands of hair glued to your cheek with the sweat that ran down the side of your face. But quickly you came to your senses and walked up to Ryan, purposefully blocking the blond man's view of him.

"Hi (Y/n)!" He called out in childish ignorance.

"Ryan! What did I tell you about talking to strangers!" You quickly wrapped your arms around him protectively.

He was safe. Thank God.

"But (Y/n), Sun is not a stranger! He was going to help me find you!"

"That's what they all say! Ryan, don't you remember all the times I've told you to never follow a strange?" You exclaimed, "you have no idea how frightened I was!"

Ryan pursed his lips in a frown before murmuring, "it's your fault for not looking after me... I'm the child after all."

You tried to hide your suddenly boiling anger behind a crooked smile as you turned around to the blond who was still standing behind you.

"And who are you?" You asked.

"Me?... I'm Sun. The daycare attendant," he quickly flashed you a charming grin, trying to make himself seem more approachable, "see? I even have a badge. I was just trying to help Ryan find his sister."

"Sister? I'm his babysitter."

"He called you his sister, so I just assumed—"

Ryan's face flushed red in an instant, "Sun! You weren't supposed to tell her!"

A grin spread across the man's— Sun's face as he looked at Ryan, "he seems to really like you."

"He better," you replied jokingly before turning to Ryan, "let's go home?"

To your surprise,he nodded obediently, "yes. I miss Mom."

Despite your sore legs, you still managed to pick Ryan up. He wrapped his arms and legs around you tightly, reminding you of how a sloth clung to a tree.

You only got a few steps away before Sun called out to you.


You turned around to look at him.

"I thought I should let you know that Ryan fainted. He snuck into the daycare a few hours before, and everything seemed fine before hr suddenly collapsed. Please make sure that he's okay."

Even though he might have simply collapsed from exhaustion, you still couldn't help but feel a ping of worry in your chest.

"Thank you."

He nodded in return.

As you walked out of the mall, you were slightly confused as to why this man was so concerned for your child's well-being. But you guessed that this was simply coming from someone who spends all of his time with kids so it probably came naturally to him.

At the end of the day, you were just glad that everyone was safe.

Word count: 1,135

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