The Jealousy (F×M) 🌶

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"Come on. Your homework can wait a day."

"I told you, I'm not going there, not again." I argue Megan. She wants me to go to a club we went to a couple weeks ago, but after what I saw last time, I don't wanna step foot near him ever again.

"Le, please." She whines, stomping her foot like a child. "I'll be there for like an hour, find someone to take home, and bam, you can leave." She shrugs, returning to going through my closet.

I sigh. It's not fair to let my sister suffer just cause I got mad at someone. "Fine. But by, 'take home,' you better mean they take you home. I'm not having some crusty dusty stranger in this apartment." I frown, rethinking my words. "But then you could get kidnapped. Better yet, hook up with someone in the bathroom and then leave." I offer, sending her a smile when she glares are me.

"Do you really have that shitty of a perception of people? I'll be fine Le." She throws an outfit at my head. "Now go put that on, we're leaving in 20."

I go into the bathroom and put the dress on, glaring at Megan when she walks in.

"I hate you."

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Shut up, you look hot."

I roll my eyes back, but stay silent. The only reason I'm keeping it on is the knowledge that if he sees it, he'll be mad. Serves him right.

"K, sit. I'm doing your hair now."


As we approach the club, my nerves spike. "Isn't there somewhere else we can go?" I ask, stumbling back a bit. This wasn't a good idea.

"No. The bartender here is hot as fuck. Besides, you're a junior in college, not high school. Chill out."

She doesn't know. Of course she doesn't know. Who would believe me if I told them?

We wait in the line, which moves surprisingly fast for a club this popular, until we get to the bouncer and hand her our IDs. She glances up, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Ladies, welcome. Our deepest apologies for the wait."

I look down, having a feeling I knew where the dramatic greeting came from. Megan just smiled and dragged us inside. "She was nice. And hot."

"Oh my God, shut up." I groan, steering her towards the bar.

Megan orders us two beers as I quickly snatch two open seats by the counter. She sits beside me and hands me a tall glass.

I take a sip and scrunch up my nose at the weird flavor. "What is this?" I yell over the music. It's not quite as loud over at the bar, but they could still turn it down a bit.

She shrugs, turning and looking at the 'dancing' people with a smile on her face. Whatever they're doing isn't exactly dancing... "I don't know, it had some German name! Looked fun!"

"Is not fun!" I reply, taking another drink anyways. No use in letting it go to waste.

"I'm gonna go dance! Someone looks lonely out there, right?" She calls.

I turn to the dance floor for one second, but by the time I looked back, Megan had somehow evaded my gaze. "Okay then." I mumble to myself. Another swig of the beer has me setting it down behind me. I can't do it.

I look around, trying to find my sister, but instead I'm drawn to a booth in the corner. There's not many people for the size of the booth, maybe 3 men with a companion on their laps, 2 without. One presence seems to take up the whole room though.

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