The Dad's Boss - Part 2 🌶️

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I was never super close with my dad, but I've never actively kept secrets from him before. Kept things from him? Sure. But never gone out of my way to lie to avoid telling him something.

I've also never slept with his boss before.

Thankfully, when my parents returned that night, they were so focused on my brother, as per usual, they didn't even notice the mess that was my hair, or the way Mr. Lennox no longer had a tie on-- a tie I stole when he was getting dressed, but now have buried in my pocket.

My brother, on the other hand, did notice. Not so much the tie thing, but he walked in, paused, and stared at me. Then, he looked over at Mr. Lennox, and back at me. Because he's a good brother, he didn't say anything-- then-- and introduced himself. Later that night, he grilled me to high heaven about why I had sex with our dad's boss, if he was good to me, et cetera, et cetera.

For a secret relationship, two-thirds of my immediate family knowing doesn't bode well.

Neither does the fact that I'm walking into my father's work with no intention on visiting him.

I overheard him tell my mom about a big meeting he had today, where he wouldn't have to deal with Mr. Lennox since it was off site.

I decided that was the perfect opportunity to test how much of distraction I could be.

The sound of my heels clacking through the long hallway to the elevators makes my heart race and my cheeks flush. I'm suddenly regretting my choice for such a bold footwear when I'm trying to sneak up there unnoticed.

I press the button when I reach the elevator, and the doors quickly open with a ding.

My eyes widen as they lock onto a familiar face.

"Camilla?" My father asks, his thick brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

I gulp, trying to hide my guilt. "Hola papá. I, I was having lunch, with an old friend near here so I thought I'd stop by. See your work."

The ease with which he accepts the lie makes my guilt almost palpable.

I often think it would just be easier for him to know, but I don't want to make things awkward for anyone. If he knew, he would probably try to push for the promotion he's after using me. And Mr. Lennox would give me anything I ask for-- outside of the bedroom, at least.

It would make things more complicated, and I don't want to put either of us in that position.

"Oh mija, I wish you would've warned me. I have a meeting I'm running late for." He says as he slips out of the elevator.

My guilt slips away at his turning it around on me.

Am I lying? Yes. Does he know that? No. Did he still try to appease himself by making me the bad guy and feel like shit? Yes, yes he did.

"That's okay." I tell him with as much of a smile as I can muster.

"If you want, you can go check out my office. It's on the 23rd floor, my name is on the door. Left side of the hallway." He gives me a quick side hug, then starts walking away backwards. "I've got to go, sorry. I'll see you later."

"Good luck at your meeting." I wave and smile until he turns around, when the act quickly drops.

I lack much of the confidence I had walking in here, so on the elevator ride to the top floor, I pull up the texts that gave me the idea in the first place.

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