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(Tw:Periods, Shooting and Blood)

It's early on Tuesday morning. I am sadly In the Bathroom getting ready for another Day of high school. I was on the toilet doing my business while brushing my teeth Still half asleep Until I got hit by a flying door. It was my Little Sister Amelia just asking me about are stupid makeup. "Where's my primer?" Amelia Asks busting to the door like a psycho, But I never answered her question. As I got done using The Bathroom my mom yells "Vada, We're late!" I'm too tired to answer anyone's questions or comments now. Amelia just calls out my name not even wanting anything but I just hum in response. I stepped in the shower, I took off my hoodie and threw it over the shower knowing I hit Amelia, Sorry not sorry. Anyways, After my shower I made myself lunch for today (In the show she made Peanut Butter and jelly but you can imagine whatever you want lmao) I am currently in the car with my best friend Nick Making Our way to Starbucks then to school. 'Conversations' By Juice Wrld Came on And we just about lost our Shit. Me and Nick yelled the song lyrics from the top of our lungs on the way to Starbucks together. "Dude, We are so fucking Late! I yelled laughing.

We just arrived at Starbucks and Nick is being a dumbass Asking multiple stupid questions about Cake Pops. "Are the cake pops different flavors or are the different colors" Nick asks. "Both you dummy" I whispered to him. "Different flavors" The employee replies simply but nicely. "What are the flavor differences?" Nick asks actually Confused like I did by him 10 cake pops yesterday Because he wanted them but couldn't decide which one he wanted. Nick is my best friend but he can be slow sometimes.

We finally arrived school. "Honestly, It is a miracle that we made it on time" Nick says as we get out of the car. "Dude, We are killing it!" I say to him "Per ushe, yes" She says in response. Also, is it me or does coffee immediately Make you have to Shit?" I randomly ask Nick. "Oh immediately, yeah" Nick says agreeing with me. "Like I smell coffee then I'm shitting My pants" I say sipping my coffee. "Pause the Shit-talking Enter Justin Dragonas passes" He says Flipping his hair playfully. "We need to come up with a code for shitting" I say walking towards The Building with Nick walking beside me. "You're right" He says. "We could say like 'I Need to talk to my boss'" I say. "What are you talking about" He says laughing. "It's like, 'Okay I need to have a long talk with my Boss'" I say smiling from ear to ear. "Oh my God, My Boss is so mad at me that I got a Penis Call This Morning" He says. "We love to keep it fancy, I love that" I say before the Bell rung

I am in class learning and listening to my teacher into my sister decides to spam my phone. I finally decided to look at it and see what is so important.

Lil sis <3






I decided to finally give in and asked to go to The Bathroom to call my sister. Once I'm in the hallways I call my sister and she answers almost immediately. "Are you okay?" I asked worried Getting a small 'no' return. "I don't want anyone to hear me" She whispers. "Dude, Literally just tell me, You're freaking me out" I Say trying my best not to yell. She mumbles something but I can't hear her "What? I can't hear you" I admit through the device. "I'll just texted it to you" she sighs sadly. My phone buzzes "Jesus Amelia, You don't text 911 When get your period. You scared the shit Out of me, Oh my God!" I say so relieved. "I'm sorry" She mumbles. "It's okay. Wait haven't you been dying to get your period like for a year? I thought you'd be stoked." I say. "It's different than I thought" She admits. "Do you have what you need?" I ask her. "Yeah, I stole a Tampon from your room months ago and Carried it around Just in Case" She admits truthfully. "I meant just put toilet paper in your pants and wait till you get home, But that's some pro level shit" I admit to her. I walk her Through the basic steps and helped her For a while Before we went our Separate Ways. Once I hung up I decided to go to the bathroom for a little bit. Once I walked in I immediately saw Mia Reeds Putting on makeup. I didn't even notice I Staring until she Turned and around to face me and she spoke Up and said "Photo Day." "Better get my shit Together" I joke Getting a chuckling return. Just so it wouldn't get awkward I went into the stall but only to text Nick.

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