Strangeness at Work

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I love my job, it is the coolest job in the entire world. I am a princess.

I Disney princess to be more exact. I sign stuff and get to preform on stage it is really my dream job. Making kids dreams a reality.

Anyway, as I walked into the dressing room there was the oddest thing.


There was a huge bouquet of white roses with a note.


These flowers do not compare to your unyielding beauty."

But there was no name at the bottom of the note.

"Ohh, my little Rosie has a secret admirer." Lauri said as she flounced into the room.

Lauri was 5'6 slim and had beautiful red hair cut to just below her shoulders.

"Shut up," I laughed giving her a little play shove.

"Well whatever you say I think it is sweet, and sexy" she walked over and have me a suductive look. "Man this poor fool must have some big bucks, her even had the thorns removed."

Upon closer inspection I saw that she was right the thorns had been removed.

"Well come on Belle, time to get in costume" she grabbed my Belle costume and her Cinderella costume and headed for the changing room.


I love signing autographs, taking pictures with the little children. The smiles on their faces and hope in their eyes makes it all worth the couple of hours it takes to get ready, and the blisters that have just become a normal thing for my feet.

That day I was scheduled to do the breakfast with the princesses, as was Lauri

When I finally walked in they were just letting the first of the guests in. I had barely made it on time, but I was safe.

As I meandered around smiling and having my picture taken by eager parents and bright eyed children I was caught a bit off guard. Two children were in the the middle of the dining room. Hand in hand they just stood there staring at me.

One was a dashing young boy dressed in a black suit and the other was a small girl in a puffy white dress with little lace gloves. They reminded me of a ring bearer and a flower girl.

"Why hello little Princess, is this your Prince Charming?" I squatted down to be at eye level with them, they could only be about five or six.

"He is Zohan and I'm Amollia." The little girl dropped the boys hand as he stepped forward with a notebook. I opened my hands to receive the book expecting them to want an autograph, but what I saw on the page startled me. "Rose, your father would like a word with you. In person."

All I could think was 'my father is dead, this has to be a sick joke.' my mind was spinning as I looked up at the children, who were now standing together once again holding hands.

"He's not dead" they whispered together, "he has been looking very hard for you and now he wants to talk. There are things you must know, things only he can explain." I was completely stunned.

"We will meet again." The whispered.

That's when someone taped me on the shoulder. "Hi Belle, can my daughter get a picture with you?"

Regaining my composure I turned to see a middle aged woman holding a camera in one hand and a chubby child's hand in the other. I turned my hundred watt smile on the two. "Of course," it was all I could do to keep my Belle voice in check.

I looked back to where the two children had been near moments before, but they were gone. So was the notebook that had just been in my hands. Baffled I looked back to the woman who was telling her child to go on and smile with the princess.

'That was the weirdest thing ever' was the only thought going through my head as the mother snapped the picture

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