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My world both exploded in brilliant color and faded into white oblivion. My stomach heaved and only by the grace of god did I not hurl everywhere.

As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I realized that the clearing had somehow morphed into a kaleidoscope of color, and in the middle of this almost wonderland was a figure all in white. It seemed to glide through the flowers towards me with an utterly ethereal feel.

When the figure came into clear view I could see it was the figure of a young woman. Her appearance reminded me of someone submerged under water, completely frozen in time and yet as fluid as and graceful as the wind. Her beauty was disarming but the vibrations I began to feel screamed deadly.

"The dead may rejoice if the truth rings true

For at the twelfth tolling of the bell, the riddle with no answer will be asked once more

As the dragon sits on the throne

But take heed

If the answer is not clear the forgotten will come forth

For to not trust ones spirit is to loose one's soul"

Her voice chilled me to my core and I felt as though I needed to gasp for breath just by the sound of her voice.

"Who are you?" was all as much as I could breathe out on the faint winds of a whisper.

"We are the wisps, we are many, we are great," again I was in awe and fear of the creature before me.

"What do you want with me?" my voice had gained a small amount of strength back, but it still felt weaker than I intended.

She deflected my question by repeating her avowal.

"I don't understand" it seemed to be some kind of riddle. Then it hit me, this was the curse I was supposed to break.

"You shall be grand and your followers countless, just follow the rules and don't seek assistance. But if you are wrong or you speak of this pact thine soul shall be mine"

With that the world began to shake and all I could hear was my name over and over.

"ROSE!" Stark's voice began to cut through the fog. "Please Rose just be okay. I told you not to go there. Oh please Rose, I need you to be okay" as my senses began to sharpen I could tell the jostling around was coming from Star running with me clutched closely to his chest.

"What's wrong" I mumbled, my voice weak and slightly groggy.

He didn't seem to hear me as he rocketed towards the castle now calling out for someone to help. I was too tired to care why he was carrying me or why we needed help, so I drifted off to sleep against his chest to the steady rhythm of his foot falls.

Destined (A Midnight Rose Story) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now