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So guys, I guess this is happening. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.  This is based off Killing Harmony. Everything that happened from TPOT 1 and before is canon is this story. Pie isn't eliminated and Bottle is recovered.

They are humans in this story.

I created this book because my first fandom I joined was Battle for Dream Island and I'm currently in the Danganronpa fandom so I decided it would be fun to mix them up.

A warning this story will contain murder, gore, and language. (Other stuff too but I'll keep updating this as this story progresses as well as add warnings for chapters applicable.)


Prologue: The Reality of our Choices

Huh? Where am I?

I remember just randomly waking up in this place. I don't even have any memory on how I got here. I tried to remember how I got here but eventually nothing appeared. 

I looked around to see... a laundry room? Why am I even here in the first place? I quickly dashed towards to door and swung it open. Is this just a prank? I needed to know the answers and what happened

 As soon as I walked out of the room, still being all confused from waking up in the same building, from the looks of the hallway, it looks like a hotel or a school but it's neither of those things. Geez, this is really difficult to explain, maybe it's just a building made for us, but who could construct all of that? After a bit of walking, I finally seemed like I met someone, I ran up to them and soon I recognized that was Pin. 

"Oh my Mint, you're here!" I shouted a bit from excitement, at least there was someone close to me and especially one of my team8s. 

"Yup, I was starting to worry if I was stuck here all alone by myself." Pin said nervously, she seems to be sweating ooze. "I'm glad you're at least here, Coiny."

"But is it me, or did I just randomly get a title called an 'Ultimate'?" Pin asked. Huh so I wasn't the only one.

"I have seemed to gain the title of Ultimate Baker." Pin announced.


"Of course!" I exclaimed, "You're super good at baking! Well I am the Ultimate Strategist."


"So do you think it's a good idea to check out this place and see if there are other people here?" I questioned.

"It's probably for the best." Pin replied. We soon went along the hallway and started to explore the floor. Some of the hallways were pretty long without any room, but after a few turns, I seem to notice someone else too. I took a glance at the figure, and it was one of my teammates too! It was Gaty. She soon came over to us, she was alone at the moment so a bit more company would lead to safety in numbers, right?

"Gaty! It's nice to meet you here too!" I exclaimed. 

"Yeah, I was getting too worried I'm stuck here forever on my own." She nervously said, shaking up a bit, she could have been awake longer than I am.

"So what is your ultimate?" I asked her.

"Ultimate Critic."


Hmm. Interesting. Soon enough we started to walk in a certain direction trying to open up different rooms. I opened a door gently to see if there are any traps in here, there isn't but there is a bunch of computers in the room and there are two people in there! Grassy and Robot Flower! Robot Flower seems to be accompanying Grassy, who was messing around with games on the computer.

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