Chapter 1: Real Despair Comes From Forging Hope: Daily Life, Part 2

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It is now 7 AM. Good morning and have a beautiful day!!

Despite several hours of sleep, I still felt exhausted. To say I was disappointed to see I was still in the dorms of the building is an understatement. I lifted myself up from the bed, since I am not going to accomplish anything staying here.

Upon entering the dining room area, half of the people are still gone. As expected, Golf Ball was there with Tennis Ball. She doesn't seem happy with that.

"Seriously? I expected it to be better than this." She grumbled.

"I say let them sleep!" Fanny retaliated. "I personally would rather sleep more, given this situation, than be awake, knowing I'm in this fucking building, which I hate!"

Golf Ball looked offended. "Well then, the longer we're awake, the more time we can cover in a day figuring out how to escape this building and find who our kidnappers are!"

"Didn't we establish that Two is our kidnapper?" Bomby questioned.

"Actually, there could be more people behind this, but we haven't really explored that possibility." Tennis Ball answered. "I mean, where did this building come from? How did we even get here? With all these mysteries, I think it is possible that there could be another person behind this."

"Which is exactly why I need everyone here, to cover more ground and we cannot delay this anymore! Coiny, Fanny, get out to the dorms and collect the rest of us." Golf Ball commanded.

"What? Why me?" Fanny responded. Unlike Fanny, I decided to get up and get everyone. She eventually gave in and just went to the dorms with me. We soon arrived at the dorms and began knocking on the doors. Fanny went to the first dorm she saw.

"Bottle, are you in there?" Fanny said after she knocked.

While she was doing that, I knocked on a door: Naily's door.

"Five more minutes." She tiredly half shouted.

I rolled my eyes and went to knock on the other doors. After that I went back and Naily, in a grumpy state, complied.

"Okay, so no one is missing, or worse, dead." Golf Ball announced after counting everyone.

"Do we really have to get up like this everytime?" Robot Flower complained.

"Well, I expected you guys to be better than this. There is simply no time to waste here. People like you make it way harder to find an escape plan here. Have you guys all collectively decided to stay up all night for no good reason?" Golf Ball retaliated, directing her eyes towards Clock.

"Nah, I just would rather sleep here than to face the awful reality we are in!" Bottle said cheerfully with a blank face except for a smile.

"That's what I was saying." Fanny mumbled.

"So you guys are all skipping around in lalaland, out of touch with reality. Well, snap out of it and be useful for once so we can get out of here as soon as possible!" Golf Ball shouted, demanding.

"I don't think it's really that deep." Gaty commented. "Isn't our plan to bore Two into releasing us?"

"That's an option, but another one is to secretly find an escape." Tree responded.

"Yes! Tree is totally correct." Golf Ball stated. "Finding an escape plan is our priority here, since boring Two out of this would take a really long time, and we won't know who has an intent to murder here."

"Murder? Grassy doesn't think anyone here would." Grassy said.

"Grassy, you're too innocent to understand." Tree whispered to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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