Disclaimers (Will change as I go along)

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So there we have it! The cast is revealed (I still need to edit and revise the prologue. I'm working on it though.)

General warnings for: Blood (duh), possibly detailed descriptions of dead bodies, gore, mentions of suicide, physical/emotional torture, and unhealthy relationships.

These will be the only warnings I will not repeat again throughout the book. I will try my best not to touch on other sensitive topics, but if I do, the warnings will be put on the beginning of the chapter (as in Danganronpa chapter format) and even the beginning of the part, if I deem it necessary.

They are also humans in this story (where else am I getting blood from, lol), so if that is not your cup of tea, feel free not to read.

This is also a book I am solely making for myself, as I had this idea for a while now and would like for it to have some archive, instead of being truly lost in my memories when I lose interest, but I am publishing it in case someone else would want to read it.

There is also a bunch of mischaracterization in this, so if you heavily despise your favorite characters being mischaracterized, then feel free to click off.

As for relationships, I am not going to focus on those, but there will be slight romance. Here are the relationships.

Golf Ball/Tennis Ball (Mutual feelings)

Coiny/Pin (Mutual Feelings)

Clock/Winner (One-sided)

Everything else can be interpreted as romantic or platonic idc, (Heck, I even ship some of the people in this fanfic together), but keep in mind that they won't be the focus. (As in, shipping won't be a focus here)

Speaking of relationships, there will be some friendship pairings in this. Both the canon ones and the ones I completely made up.

I initially wanted to keep this thing headcanon-free, but I'm honestly heavily failing. This falls in the mischaracterization, because I am going to add headcanons in this book.

I think that is all I have to say. Happy reading! (Or distasteful reading, if you already don't like the previous things I warned about but kept wanting to read anyways because of curiosity. Lol)

And I'm going to keep the old part I have. Why? Because I gain emotional attachment to non-living things. (Unrelated fact, but it is why I keep almost all of my quarters, because the back of quarters in the United States are different for each one and I have a "collect it all" mentality. Anything underneath this is just some baloney I wrote.


All jokes aside, this is a place holder for now until I'm brave enough to publish the prologue which I already got done. It's been years since I have written fan fiction that isn't all jokes. I will at least try to complete chapter 1 because I find it somewhat annoying when some people don't complete a murder case because that's why I was reading it in the first place. I do have a lot of chapter 2 planned in my head as well so maybe I may complete chapter 2 as well.

Also this will be a placeholder until I find a cover as well, which I don't know what to put as the cover.

You can tell who the protagonist is from the tags lol.

Also I'll decide if my story will have a mature rating.

Here are some things to know:

They are humans in this story

This takes place after TPOT 1

This thing will get deleted when the first part of Chapter 1 is here. (Edit: not tf it won't that's on emotional attachment to non living things)

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