Chapter 35: Frigus Mortis

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Dawn reflected in the corner of the room. I gazed at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity, sometime after my body had shaken off the blankets in its restless sleep. I had completed what I had set out to do for my dead friend. What else was there to do? Alcina didn't wish to speak to me, she seemed to want nothing more than isolation. Winter was at our doorstep; the sisters were becoming less of themselves. The cold forbade them to let their guard down, so interacting with them was an unlikely possibility. Bela advised me not to, explaining how bitter the cold made them feel, and how nips of the wind gave them unbearable pain. The sisters would lash out, "Even myself," Bela said before commencing her avoidance plan.

 An abrupt knock tore me from my sulking. It was Therese. 

I sat up, my hooded eyes dragging me down, "Therese? What are you doing here?"

"I figured this was a good time as any," She said as she diligently shut the door behind her, "The daughters are spending their time in the quiet."

"Are they mourning?" I rubbed my eyes.

She laughed, making her way to the edge of the bed. "Goodness, no! The demons are on hibernation." 

"And Alci- and the Lady?" I pulled myself out from the covers to lend her space.

"She departed a few hours ago. It matters not!" She waved her hands dismissively, "Simply put, Zara's passing gives us great leverage. Though you seem to be the Lady's pet, I wanted to inform you of the plans we're making, in hopes you would follow."

"Plans? What are you talking about?"

"Lady Dimitrescu's maidens don't last. They never did because living is not their purpose. Their purpose is the same as any girl: their blood to be ripped from their skin. You've been subjected to the Lady's harshness yourself, so I don't expect you to disagree nor go against my proposition."

"Of course not. But what plans?"

She stood up abruptly and went over to the window glowing orange, fidgeting with her hands, "We've been planning our way out for some time. Not just to escape, but to make sure no woman is subjected to Dimitrescu's nature, which is objectively evil. I am one of the few who has been here the longest; the other maids look up to me. Some have gotten restless, resulting in their proclaimed demise. Others lived their days saving themselves by ratting accomplices out. We returned that favor by cementing their fate ourselves." She turned to me with her eyes lowered with consideration before they dilated with inspiration, "It's a simple plan broken in two. The eldest maids draw attention to the upper floors and destroy any window hindering the sisters. The youngest ones find the cellar and destroy the wine, then make their way out of the castle."

Her lack of regard for Zara was offputting. She may not have meant it dismissively, but I was not too fond of her change in behavior—their intent to end Dimitrescu. I'll be damned for my empathy; My concern for the sisters was creeping from behind. It wanted to lash out and provide some defense for their nature. But when I resumed my awareness in reality and glanced at the older woman, there was a subtle fear for my life. 

"You don't have to do anything, really. You could leave with the younger girls. Or..." Therese paused, smirking, "You could find Pumnalul florilor morții-The Dagger of Death's Flowers--find the Lady of the Castle and end her unruly desire for young maidens. Do it for Zara."

"Do it for Zara," I repeated. Therese nodded.

"I would be going against Zara's desires. No." I said quietly.

Her smile faded, alarm rising in her eyes, "Have you any idea the hell that poor girl has gone through?"

"Which is why I can't kill the lady of the castle."

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