Chapter 6

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I hop down and a soldier pats my back.

"Good man." He says.

We walk out of the room.

"Up Sickle!" I holler.

He gets up and points at the Russians.

The Russians aim at him.

"Both of you guns down!" I yell.

Sickle lowers his gun then the Russians. We walk out.

"Who are these Russians?!" Hollers the commander.

"We've made an alliance. Don't turn your back or there'll be bullets flying. In your direction."

I walk away. "Let's go!" I holler to the Russians smiling.

They salute and I return one. We get on the plane.

"We're heading to another Japanese camp. We don't have many left. Once the Japanese are killed."

He then gives me a stare.

"You like this?" I tease.

He steps at me like he's ready to throw a punch. I push him into his seat.

I sit by Robert. "How's the kid?" He asks me.

"Got me shot." I say smirking.

"What'd you do?"

"Ripped off my sleeves."

He about laughs.

"What?" I say smiling.

I punch him across the shoulder playfully. He smiles and laughs.

"He's obedient." I say.

"That it?" He asks.

"Haven't seen him shoot yet." He smiles.

"I'm gonna see if that prisoner is all right. Looked like she got a beating."

I get up and walk to a back room. There sits the girl.

"Ya'll right?" I ask.

"Sore." She replies shrugging.

"Alright." I say turning away.

"Bye." I say smiling.

"Bye." I walk off and sit back down.

"You were a good one today." I say to Sickle.

"Thanks." He says smiling sadly.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"Miss home. I miss the rich steaks on the stove."

"It'll be alright. Trust me I miss Kansas. Those beautiful pastures. Having family over grilling."

I pat him on the back.

"Thanks." He says.

"For what?"

"Not shooting me. And you had my back." I smile

"Your welcome."

I hear a gunshot then see Sickle on the floor. He's holding his hand over a wound.

"Sickle!" I yell.

I look infront of me and there stands the commander with a gun pointing at me. I stand up.

"Oh you're really in for it today!"

I duck and commander fires. I get up and punch him in his gut.

He gasps for breath I kick him straight on top of the head. His head flies against the wall splitting it open.

The commander falls and slumps against the wall. I walk over to Sickle.

"It'll be alright." I say wiping a tear away.

Sickle salutes. "Good were my family...I love you."

He pushes his self in the air infront of me. I turn to see what he's doing. I see commander holding his gun up at me.

"Sickle no!" I scream.

The commander pulls the trigger. Sickle falls. I turn him on his back.

"Come on Sickle! Don't leave me." I scream.

But I'm to late. I cry into his shirt. I then get up and focus my attention to commander.

"Remember Sergeant Walters? My father? Your friend?" I say.

"Yeah well guess what?! You shot him in the forehead. And boy I know you want me dead. You just think I'm a little Satan lover. And boy your wrong. I'm a strong headed strong loving God loving Kansas boy. And when you pulled that trigger I flared. But guess what?! My dad isn't dead.

So if you want me dead go ahead shoot me 'on sights' like you want. But I won't die I'm a lot like my father. I'm strong,caring, and I would screw up someone who messes with my friends and family. And your next on my list."

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