Chapter 13 - Breaking Rules

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Chapter 13 - Breaking Rules
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"Okay," Sam said, walking to a store that was just conveniently a couple feet away.. "So, we need to, maybe go to store? Maybe get some- There's no one here. There's no one occupying any of the shops."

"I got this," Taurtis said. He walked behind the counter.

"Taurtis has been doing a very good job," Sam said. He turned to the others. "Do you guys wanna buy anything?"

"Um- Well," Silvia said. "We don't have any money."

"Here, I'll spatch ya," Sam replied. He gave the 9 a bit of money to buy some things. "Don't spend it all at once now!"

"Ooo!" Wynne grabbed a bag of chips. "Doritos."

"No, no, don't buy those," Sam said.

"Wha- Why?"

Sam glanced at Taurtis. "They don't know Taurtis."

"They don't know," Taurtis repeated.

Sam turned back to Wynne. "We've had some bad experiences, okay? Doritos is kind of Taurtis's trigger."

"Oh, sorry," Wynne said, putting the bag of chips back.

Walking into the store, was the pufferfish man that also drove the van.

"OI!" He said.

"Oh hey Pete," Taurtis said.

"Mate! Get outta here!"

"Would you like Fish and Chips?' Taurtis said to Pete.

"Oh yea. I hear Fish and Chips are really good," Sam said.

"They are," Mumbo said.

"So do you just take a salmon-"

"Manchester was sick innit," Pete said.

"So we should probably buy some stuff." The bunny hybrid went to the back of the store. "Oh!" Sam turned to Mumbo. "You wanna get a fish. And then we can get fish and chips. We can just stuff chips in fish."

Mumbo tried his best to hold back a laugh.

"We got any chips here?" Grian asked.

"There's the Doritos," Taurtis said.

"We don't talk about that Taurtis!" Sam said.

"Um- No," Mumbo said. "Those aren't chips. You see, it's quite simple. Chips are made from potatoes."

"Yea potatoes are great," Taurtis said. "I love potatoes. You know potato chips?"

"No," Mumbo said. "You're talking about crisps."

"Crisps?" Taurtis said, confused. "Well, they are crispy."

"Okay well," Sam said. "I actually got a special bag of Tauritos. We can combine the fish with the Taurito. And then we will have fish and chips."

"That-" Wynne said. "Isn't fish and chips."

"British chips are American French fries!" Scar said.

"I've never even heard of Tauritos," Mumbo said. "It sounds like a ripoff of Doritos."

"No, no!" Sam said. "Let's just go and pay."

"Well," Pete said. "I can't count. Carl does that. So take some money."

"Wha-" Mumbo was entirely confused. "He just gave me money?"

"Yea, that's how it works in this country," Sam said.

"Well, no complaints there," Wynne said.

"Should I speak Japanese?" Taurtis asked. He walked up to the pufferfish hybrid and began speaking Japanese.

"Just take the money and leave," Pete said.

After all that, the two friends asked the others if they wanted to see the school.

"Sure," Scar said.

The group passed by a man and Sam spoke up. "We should probably start explaining who people are. That's Paul Blart. He's not in his uniform right now but he's a cop. He has ties against gangs and stuff. So he will definitely..."

"We can clearly see him," Wynne said. "Why is he hiding?"

"He's suspicious of new people," Sam replied.

"Do you wanna see our classroom?" Sam asked as he and Taurtis led the group of eight to the school. "Ooo, we should show them the secret classroom."

"What's that?!" Wynne asked. "I wanna see that!"

"There's something that happened at this school," Sam said, walking into the school. "Do you want to hear a spooky story?"

"Yea!" Aster said.


"Okay," Sam said. "Our teacher killed himself."

"That's his grave over there," Taurtis said, pointing out the window.

"There's actually multiple graves," Sam said.

"Why do I get the feeling that Valerie is going to be in one of them," Funneh said to Gold.

"A lot of people die here," Sam said. "So you guys better be careful. Let's show you guys the classroom where he hung himself. Wait- Check this out."

Sam put his finger in something red and sticky and licked it off his finger. "That's fresh blood."

"It's been there for a while," Taurtis said.

Mumbo and Scar looked like they were going to be sick.

"Reminds me of Yumi," Funneh said to her sister.

"Yea, it gets a little crusty," Sam said.

Safe :]

"Hey!" Said a sudden voice. "You shouldn't be in here! You triggered a silent alarm!"

"We're not supposed to be in here?!" Gold exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"It's the weekend maggots!" Rowan said. "Get outta school!"

"Answer my question," Gold demanded as they left the school.

"I'd listen to her if I were you," Funneh said.

"Well we're not supposed to do a lot of things but we do it anyways."

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You have no idea how many times I replay 10 seconds of one video just to get this to be perfect. And this chapter and the one before is only one episode.
- Pleb

CHIPS VS CHIPS LOL. Chapter is amazing <3 I would work on it too but Idk what happens in YHS


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