xx | the pain of betrayal

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**warning: mention of drug abuse ahead**


FOR THE MILLIONTH time in my life, I woke up with a pounding headache.

Although, for probably the first time in the last few years, it wasn't due to alcohol.

If I had to speculate, I'd chalk it up to the fact that I wasn't in my room. Sure, I was in a room that now belonged to me, but it wasn't home. And, it most certainly wasn't familiar.

Memories from last night flooded back into my head as I looked around my new room.

After Jace and I finished our first dance, Dad and I did the father-daughter dance. It was awkward, to say the least. The only good thing that came out of it was him telling me he was glad I told his mother off.

Apparently, Ash told Aunt Lucy who told Dad.

Then, dinner was served followed by toasts. The most exciting thing that happened was Ashton embarrassing me and me launching my shoe at him with perfect aim. The second he got up to the mic, I knew I had to get ready.

Emre and Sav were a dynamic duo, to say the least. With his big personality, the latter wasn't even upset about her girlfriend ditching her, yet again. Even though I warned Jace to tone it down, I didn't like the girl I hadn't met either.

Speaking of Emre, the guy was an absolute delight. According to Jace, he would be in New York for the next few months, which I had every intention to capitalize on.

My only issue with Emre would be the flirty glances he seemed to throw in Addison's direction. I expected him to have taste, but I was also heavily biased.

Once the party started dwindling down, Jace escorted me to his car to head to my new place of residence. Apparently, he lived in a townhouse not too far from my apartment in the Upper East Side, making it convenient to move my stuff over.

Obviously, the two of us were definitely not ready to share a room, so I had a room to myself that was similar in size to the room in my penthouse. I still had time to make it more me, but it was definitely more than enough for now.

I glanced at the clock to see it was a quarter-past eight, eliciting a groan from my throat.

I was usually never up this early willingly, but the new setting was getting to me. I rose up from the bed, careful to avoid the dress that pooled on the floor.

After getting here, I stripped down, grabbed the first nightgown in my sight, and took my makeup off before passing out.

Brushing my teeth in record time, I made my way downstairs to find something to drink. Anything to drink. Normally, I would admire such a nice kitchen, despite my inability to cook, but I was a woman on a mission.

Frantically searching through the cabinets, I groaned when I didn't find a single ounce of alcohol here. I didn't even realize Jace was also in the kitchen, until the coffee machine started brewing.

"Looking for something?" I turned around to face my husband, surprised but also not surprised to see him dressed for work.

"Where's your alcohol?" I didn't bother beating around the bush.

He raised his eyebrow, bringing his wrist up to look at his watch. "It's almost half-past eight."

"Okay, Cogsworth," I rolled my eyes. "I don't remember asking for the fucking time."

I moved to the fridge to see if there was anything in there, even though it was an insult to the integrity of the liquor, but Jace didn't seem like the type to care. Or, I just cared too much. Suddenly, a large hand grazed past my shoulder, grabbing creamer before shutting the fridge door.

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