xxxiii | thanksgiving

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FOR SOME REASON, the first thought that popped into my mind when I saw Jace's childhood home was that it made sense.

It was a modest two story home in the suburbs of Philadelphia, and I could imagine little Jace and Emre playing around in this quiet neighborhood. According to Jace, Emre's house was right next door, making it easier to understand why these two guys loved each other like brothers.

They've been terrorizing the neighborhood since birth.

Speaking of the big guy, Emre was the first to greet me, barreling out of the door the second our car pulled into the driveway. I had to carefully maneuver the flowers out of the way to avoid them being crushed by his hug.

"Let go of my wife," was Jace's only response. His best friend simply laughed, still letting me go to see a smiling Carina on the doorstep.

"Someone's a little possessive," Emre responded, hitting Jace's shoulder before running back inside the house after kissing Carina on the head.

Carina shook her head, stretching her arms out for me to hug. I obliged, basking in her warmth. "Those boys... Wow, Kimmy. You get more beautiful everyday."

I laughed. "Coming from you, that's the best compliment I've ever gotten. I got you some flowers." I pulled away, handing her the bouquet.

"Take notes, Jace," Carina teased her son, pulling him into a hug.

Jace rolled his eyes, kissing the side of his mom's head. "I have a feeling you'd still like her more than me no matter what I do."

Carina shrugged playfully, gesturing us inside.

I barely got my shoes off, when a little girl bumped into my legs, tumbling down. I quickly bent over to pick her up so she wouldn't start crying. "Hello there, cutie."

"Hi," she replied, taking my hat with her little hands. "I'm Defne. Who are you? Why is Uncle Jace with you? Are you dating? Can I have your hat?"

I smiled at her, taking the hat from her hands and putting it onto her head. "Hi Defne, I'm Kimberly. Your Uncle Jace and I are married. And, of course you can have my hat."

"Thanks!" Her bright smile lasted for two seconds before she crossed her arms. "Wait, Uncle Jace is mine."

I heard a snort from next to me, but I still replied. "Honey, if you want him, he's all yours."

Jace proceeded to tug gently on my ponytail before taking the cute girl out of my arms. "I like you more than her anyway." I rolled my eyes playfully, internally laughing when the girl wrapped her arms around his neck.

A boy, who I was assuming was Aydin, came up to me and winked. "I'm available."

My jaw dropped as my eyes widened in shock. How do you even respond to a flirty five-year-old?

"Aydin," a woman called out. "Don't flirt with Jace's wife. Yallah, Emre, you've corrupted my child. I'm so sorry about the miscreant. Kimberly Astor, right?" The mother of the two kids came up to me with a warm smile and outstretched arms.

I gave her a polite hug. "That's me. You must be Aleyna."

"Bingo! This is my first time in the presence of someone famous," she laughed. "I have to admit, when Jace told us he was getting married to you, we were all shocked."

"May I ask why?"

A younger voice answered for her. "Jace's boring and you're Kimberly Astor. I spent enough time obsessing over your makeup collaborations and modeling career to know that Jace is... relatively bland in comparison."

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