xxix | not-so-foolproof

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**warning: sexual content (*wink wink, nudge nudge*) ahead**



Or chop off his dick and sew it into his mouth.

Okay, so maybe I was a tad bit angry about how deeply Dar's words affected me despite spending every ounce of my energy trying to forget.

For the last week, all I could think about was the conversation Dar and I had on the rooftop. I couldn't even look Jace in the eye when I returned to his office to tell him that I accepted the idea of having a glorified babysitter.

I spent most of my time at the townhouse or at the office, so Darius was only with me for a few hours during the past week, but I made sure to threaten him with hateful glares. I even held a pair of slippers close to the area I once knew quite well.

Even after so many days passed, I stayed walking on eggshells around Jace, barely saying more than a sentence. There was no doubt that he noticed something was up with me, but he thankfully remained silent, allowing me to wallow in self-pity.

But, low and behold, I had a plan.

This plan includes rough and dirty sex.

In other words, it was foolproof.

Considering how Vivi was staring at me and how Darius spit out his drink, you'd think it wasn't for whatever reason.

The three of us were eating lunch in one of our favorite spots in high school when I dropped my revelation on them. Darius's presence was certainly odd, but it brought back good memories from when the four of us would hang out.

The day after Darius was hired, I dragged him and Vivian to our cafe and made her rehash everything that went on to confirm whether or not Dar was telling the truth. I was mad at my best friend for keeping this hidden from me for so long, but that lasted for seven seconds.

It fully evaporated when she told me she kneed him in the balls for going with his plan.

"Kim," Vivi started, "I... I... what the fuck?"

"What?" I stirred my drink innocently.

In the half hour we've been here, I've explained how awkward things have been between me and Jace after Dar opened his mouth and how I couldn't stand it. For fuck's sake, I yelped when he entered the kitchen last night before running back to my room.

As much as I hated to admit it, Jace and I fell into a really nice routine since the godforsaken wedding. We fought, got mad at each other, planned each other's demise in our heads, worked towards making the business better, and sexually frustrated the shit out of each other.

It was unconventional, but it worked. And, if it weren't for my ex-boyfriend, it would've sustained us for two years.

Living with Jace turned into pure torture. Wasn't there a law about cruel and unusual punishment? Can I sue someone?

Even though the incident in the kitchen was my final straw, it sadly wasn't the only thing I experienced.

A few days after I got the injury, I got an intense headache while Jace was in a meeting. He came back to the office to see me passed out on the couch, resulting in the two of us going home early. After I woke up from my nap, I went downstairs to see him working out in the in-home gym.

While I had the luxury of feeling his muscles, there was something different about seeing them in action.

I cursed Savannah for coming into the office the day that I was counting his abs, considering how I couldn't trace those remaining two perfectly shaped squares. I've never been more turned on.

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