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Two children, a boy and a girl, who were about 9 and 10 years old, were swordfighting with wooden swords in the courtyard of Camelot.

Another boy, who was about the same age as the boy, was watching them along with the knight there.

The girl got the upper hand as she swung one of her legs under the boy, making him fall to the ground.

"Do you summon defeat, Art?" the girl said as she pointed the wood sword to his chest.

"Why should I summon defeat after you cheated, Lyn?" Art, or Arthur Pendragon, told her with a playful smile on his face.

"Art, you have to watch your footwork because someone can take you down easily if you don't watch it." Lyn, or Merlyn, told her friend

Arthur was about to say something but got interrupted when a 15-year-old boy ran up to them.

"Merlyn, we've got to leave now." The boy told her

"Hunter, what is going on?" Merlyn asks him as she lifts Arthur up.

"Sister, he found out about Father, and he's buying us time. Mother only got some stuff packed; she told me to come get it. "You've got to go now before he finds us." Hunter told his sister

"Hunt what's wrong," Arthur asks him in a worrier's voice.

"I'm sorry, Prince Arthur, but I have to take Merlyn now," Hunter said as he grabbed Merlyn's hand.

Merlyn looks at Arthur before telling him," I promise I will come back when it's safer."

He nodded his head as she handed her necklace to him.

"Promise me and keep it safe for me," Merlyn told him before she and her brother ran away to find a mother.

By giving him a necklace, he kept that promise in mind, knowing that someday she would return to Camelot, but Arthur had to find out why his friend had to leave Camelot, so he ran into the castle to find his father and Merlyn's father having an argument in the king's corner.

So he dictated to listen in

"So you lied to me." Uther Pendragon yelled at his once-famous friend as Camelot's knights held him.

Balinor was the dragon lord who helped catch the dragon, but he had lied to Uther about having his powers so he could protect his family.

"You are the one who betrayed me because you asked me to call upon the great dragon to settle your differences, but in the end you captured it." Balinor said to his once-friend, even his brother,

"You knew my judgment against magic users, so I'm going to ask you this: who else has magic in your family". The king as his

"I will not let you harm my family," he told him.

"I will ask again: does anyone else in your family have magic?" "Uther asks him.

"It's just me who has magic; no one else in my family has it, "Balinor told him, and he lied to him for the safety of his daughter. He has known his daughter had magic since she was five.

"Then it is settled; you are banished from Camelot and returned its payment of death," Uther told him before waving his guards to take him away.

Arthur saw the guard drag him out of the throne room, and he realized that before entering the throne room.

"Father, what's going on?" Arthur asks his father.

"Nothing is wrong, my boy. I just found out about a dear friend of mine who had magic and lied to me about it, but how did your training go?" Uther asked his son.

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