Chapter Three

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꧁༒•1x03: The Mark of Nimueh and Kirigan•༒꧂


Deep underground in a hidden cave that dripped with moistness, a sorceress called Nimueh molded a strange form out of clay. She held it above a water basin, perfecting it. She enclosed it in a porcelain egg and latched it shut. "Berbay odothay arisan yeldo." The egg glowed and it soon produced a heartbeat. She smirked and set the egg in the water. It sunk, and traveled through underground waterways to Camelot's water systems. It popped out of the water and began breaking from the inside. Something was hatching from it.

Nimueh, still in the hidden cave, watched a image of Camelot that appeared on the surface of a scrying fount. She blurred the image and the water rippled. "Diegol cnvtte, gewitte me yst, aliese hine, to Camelot he cymb. "

Kirigan was watching in the shadows before leaving


Merlyn and Gaius examined a dead body laying on his front in the streets of the lower town. "Aren't you scared?"

"Of what?"

"That you might catch whatever it is?" Merlyn shrugged.

"I'm the court physician, Merlyn . This is part of my job. Most of the time there's nothing really to be scared of." He turned over the body. The man's skin was pale as snow, with blue veins crawling across his face. His eyes, which were still open, were completely white.

Gaius and Merlyn both exchanged surprised and somewhat horrified looks. "You were saying?"
"People mustn't see this... They'll panic." Gaius shook his head.

Merlyn picked up a cloak that was hanging up on a line and threw it over the corpse.


At Guinevere's home, she and her father prepared for work. "Dad? Here's your sandwich." She held up a sandwich that was neatly wrapped in paper and tied with a nice magenta ribbon.
"Ooh." He took it and smelled it, his eyes widening. "Mmm, what's in it?"

"It's smoked pigeon. But l'd say there's more smoke than pigeon."

Tom chuckled. "You're such a good girl to me."
She picked up some lavender flowers. "And I've done you some watercress soup for tonight."
"Don't tell me, with more water in it than cress?"
Gwen laughed and hugged her father. "I'll see you later."

"Okay." He grinned. "Bye."


Elias was in his room looking of so spells to help with morgana visions until he felt something that had to do with magic

" what are you planning Kirigan." He whispered to himself

"Elias are you all right?" Luna said as she walked into his room

"Yes I think it's fine. How is Ingrid?" Elias asked

"I don't know, but I'll be second she's been with Kirigan she grows darker I can fill it." Luna  told him

" I know we just have to be careful with him and her sisters Thank you for informing me. I will tell you more later." Elias says

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