Chaper Two

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Somewhere in the Western Isles, a mysterious man entered a shadowy shop, lit only by a few torches.

He walked up to a counter. "I understand you have a shield for me."

Devlin, the merchant motioned for him to come over. "With your swordcraft and this shield, I guarantee you will win."

He nodded. "Show me how it works."

Kirigan slowly walked out of the shadows as Devlin handed him the shield before he left.

"Certainly," Kirigan said and began chanting. "Tharanai im bis entra ofra honra stolle. " Three snake heads slithered out of the shield, hissing. "When you're competing in the tournament, you pin your opponent under the shield, a snake strikes," He imitated the snake striking,
".... your opponent will be paralysed." He handed him the shield carefully. "The snakes are now under your command.
They will do anything that you tell them to do."


"Just say the word," Kirigan whispered, and they both laughed darkly.

The man smiled wickedly. "Kill him."

The snake was about to attacked him, but Kirigan stop them with his magic making the snakes go back into the shared before laughing and wicket smile on his face, " you simple minded fool that won't work on me."

The man look shocked, " what did you do?."

"It has my magic and my magic won't kill me, but you were doing me a favor ." Kirigan told him as he handed the shared to him.

The man looked at him before asking ,"what do you want me to do?"

"That is easy I want you to kill Arthur Pendragon but if you don't this bracelet will kill you" Kirigan said as he waved his head on the man's arm to make a bracelet appear before leaving him.

The man looks at the bracelet before leaving for Camelot

As he arrives in Camelot,he set his helmet and seal down at a registration table. "Knight Valiant of the Western Isles.
I'm here for the tournament."

"Welcome to Camelot." the steward nodded before Valiant ride into Camelot, just as person riding a gray horse reach the table.

The person put down the cloaked to repair a woman

"Im Aalina The first female knight of Knighton." Aalian told the man

"We thought that Knight Galahad will be joining us." the Stewart said.

" he couldn't join us he had something else to do but I came in his place." Aalian told him

"Welcome to Camelot." the steward nodded as she nodded back before ride into Camelot


Arthur and Merlyn was both in the training field as they was wearing armor as a knight name Leon was standing there to make sure that they didn't kill each

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