Chapter 1. Just a idea for a post-apocalypse in Gravity Falls.

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This is just a small some up about whats about to happen in a future chapter (If I remember)- There is so much more that I want to write about in this chap, but Im on a bit of a time crunch thanks to school and Cafeteria lines- seriously that line is no joke!! So, I have to write about this as quickly as I can.

What if Dipper and Mable never went to Gravity falls when they were 12 turning 13, what if they went there when they were 18 turning 19??

Stan opened the portal and freed his brother; Stanford, they defeated Bill and the rest of his heanchmanaics without Dipper and Mable to be the 'Pinetree' and the 'Shooting star'. But now there is a post-apocalypse and Dipper, Mable and their mother and father are going to Gravity Falls for their own safety. The tree trunks (15 feet in thickness and width) there are as long as their car; A Toyota corolla, due to the chemicals in the air. 

The chemicals in the air aren't poisonous to living organisms but can make trees seem like they are thousands of years old, it has affected soil too, making Carnivorous plants grow 6 times their size; Pitcher plants are about the same height and size of a 6-12y/o they have also turned a pale blue colour at the base of this plant and near the top the colour slowly turns a pale pink with a pink cup like leaf, the hole plant glows in the night attracting moths and confused wandering hikers. 

(Warning: Tiny bit of gore ahead)

Venus fly trap's now grow in small clusters on trees and on the ground, they can now feed on small children who wander too close to the plant if they can't be saved in time, the Venus fly trap now contains a venom in its needles on the inside of the plants mouth, which can be fatal to small children- The venom will slowly kill it's victim draining it of its blood through its needles, it will hurt and the child will thrash around, but once the child has exhausted themself out they will fall asleep, venom makes its way into the blood stream and into the bones, the child dies 4 days later -if not found- and the bones will push and break the skin as it now sticks out in a gruesome way as the plant digests the corpse, the venom slowly turning the bones into mush so the plant can digest it. The plant will then reopen its mouth waiting for another meal, and after a meal like that -with the right amount of sunlight and water- they can wait for new prey for about 2 months, these plants can also tell the difference between alive prey and immanent objects. E.g., chairs.

But anyways back to the story-

Dipper finds a statue in the middle of the forest while on a walk a couple days after his arrival in 'Fort Gravity', he holds its outstretched hand, but nothing happens so Dipper walks back to the underground base, a week later his parents were searching for food for Fort Gravity and came across a monster and were ripped apart, a search party found their remains when they didn't come back and told Dipper and Mable when they returned.

That night Dipper runs away from the Shack and the underground fort and finds a tree that looks like it's 10 thousand years old, he climbs the tree, finding a branch sturdy and big enough so 2 people can sit on the branch side by side, he falls asleep and is woken up half an hour later by a 19 y/o named Baxtor Rephic.

Baxtor is one of the few people in Dippers life that enjoy his company and unpredictable topics, Baxtor is here with his little brother William and older brother Kill and his 'baby' cousin on his mother's side, Gale Rephic and her older brother Tad Strange. His Father is still somewhere out in the country and his mother and Aunt; Merida Strange, went looking for him.

.。.:*☆🤍🌖🌑🌔🤍☆*: .。. 

Hello my... ummm..... Hang on 1 sec.... 

Hello people on the internet who have nothing better to do so they read this shit that I made!!

Remember how I said I was going to get this done 'as quickly as I can'?? and then proceed to write about Carnivorous plants that can eat children??...

I think I may over did the description on the Venus fly trap...

How's that starter for a post-apocalyptic story?? It's not my best work, but it's something!! This is a starter for BillDip book, for anyone out there who heavily dislikes BillDip, take it up with the fandom cause I don't have the time or the energy for it- or just don't continue reading this book.

For everyone who likes this chapter starter and want to use it, please ask me, I would love to see this story actually go somewhere then sit in my drafts for all eternity, just please note that you don't use 'Gale Rephic' or 'Merida Strange' as characters in your book, I spent way to long planning out their backgrounds and past to give them up. Please and thank you!!

Book starters that I never finished/published and Fandom ideas.Where stories live. Discover now