She trying to defeat a powerful god but she finds someone or few of someones who have the same idea.
"That's one hell of a punch"
"I know, i threw it"
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Nat ran up the hill to see Marc get hit and fall down another hill knocking himself out. "Oh shit".
Seconds later he fluttered his eyes open quickly crying out in pain as his jaw was dislocated. Steven.
"Oh my god." He cried out, moaning in pain as he popped his jaw back in place.
"Ah, that was weird, what happened?" Steven called out loud laying on the grassy floor.
"You fell is what happened, you nut"
Steven screamed out once again. He quickly looked back up to see his coworker standing in front of him. Nat gave him a quick smile then it disappeared as she checked her surroundings.
The British man in front of her groaned as he stood up, trying to gain back his strength. He let out a quick gasp as he also took in his surroundings. The Australian Alps.
"Go back to sleep, worm." A strong voice spoke behind the pair.
"Khonshu '' Nat quietly whispered to herself as she looked at the god standing behind Steven.
"Hello?" Steven glanced to the left then the right, still not finding anyone. Nat just quietly chuckled at the interaction.
"You're not supposed to be here" the god spoke once again.
"Yep, I completely agree." Steven nodded but then glanced at his friend standing in front of him, "Wait, what the bloody hell are you doing here?"
"Surrender the body, Steven," Nat pleaded, "please".
"Surrender the body to Marc."
"Sorry, what? "The body"? What... "Surrender the body"? What body Nat?"
"Oh the idiot's in control."
"Hey, don't be rude. '' Nat directed to Khonshu.
Steven in more confusion still not being able to see the man talking to him. Nat watches as Steven sticks his hand into his jacket pocket and pulls out the scarab.
"Oh shit, he found it," Nat exclaims in thankfulness, finding that she now doesn't have to look for it. Steven confusingly looked at it then jolted his head up, hearing something behind him. He quickly turned around but found nothing.
Seeing a man in the window, Nat quickly grabbed one of Steven's hands, "Come on we have to go".
Ignoring her request Steven waved at the man, "Hello, hi..."
"Steven come on, now's not the time to be friendly" Nat tugged on his arm.
Suddenly another man came out with a gun, "What are you doing?" he yelled at the other man.
"No, no, no!" Steven threw his arms up.
"Shit, we have to go!" Nat exclaimed as gunshots headed towards them.