giyushino; hair clip

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!Modern Au!

Giyuu surely had other plans.

He'd come with the thought of getting some pain meds for his consistant headaches, but as far as a simple thought goes, he was awarded with the company of an insect.

"Consistant headaches?" she meekly looked at him.

"Yes, from your annoying ass." He stood at the counter across from her. She simply smiled, a vein visible on her forehead. "Well, I think you enjoy my company rather than finding it annoying."

It was true, at times. She was fun to talk to but her teasing and constant poking were a pain.

"Kocho. The meds?"

Shinobu sighed as she ducked down to view the contents on the lower counter. She smiled as an idea formed in her head. "It seems I have none!"

Giyuu raised an eyebrow, "This is literally a pharmacy?" Shinobu smiled forcibly. "Yes, but a busy one at that. I've run out." She looked at his brow's furrowing and hoped his airheadness would get to him.

"Buttt..." Giyuu looked skeptically at her, "I dooo have some at home!"

"Okay. Can you bring me them tomorrow?" His eyes wandered around the store, in search for the time.

"Bring you them? Oh but you can just come with me and get them. My apartment is on the way to yours, is it not?" She picked up her coat, ready to leave. "It would save me the trouble from going to your stinky house."

Giyuu stared at her before giving a nod. He waited for her to gather her things and close up before heading to his car. He was aware she took the train and usually dropped her off at work, but he was busy this morning. If he hadn't been, he could have gotten the meds earlier. Before they ran out.

The car ride to hers was silent. A comfortable silence. The only sounds heard were from the car and from the evening streets of Japan. Her apartment was cozy, and familiar to Giyuu. He was often there, cooking for Shinobu when she wanted something homemade or lonely with his thoughts and in need of her company.

They've been told a lot about their relationship, how they seemed like lovers. It wasn't a lie that either of them had feelings for the other, but they never seemed to go beyond their friendship.

Giyuu followed her to the kitchen, where they spent most of their time while in her apartment. He knew of where she put things and how she organized them, but that could have been because he used the kitchen more than she did.

Shinobu searched her drawer for the pain medication with one hand while swiftly taking her coat off with the other. She frowned as she struggled with taking the butterfly clip out of her hair.

Giyuu went over to her and moved her hands away from her head. "I'll do it." He gently took the butterfly clip out of her hair, then untied it. He watched as her hair fell down to her shoulders. It was a rare sight, and he had been glad to see it. Though, he wouldn't let her know that.

"Ah!" Shinobu fought out the medication from the drawer, which was now messy. She handed the whole bottle to Giyuu before starting her lecture on when to use them. He nodded as he got ready to leave. "Thank you, Kocho."

"Ne, Tomioka-san. Don't you think you're forgetting something?" He turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. What did she want? Usually he repaid her with food. "Are you hungry?" He eyed her kitchen quickly. It looked as if she hadn't eaten a proper breakfast.

"Well, a bit. I was wondering if you could stay for a while longer." She looked to the side, quite embarrassed. He put his things down and headed for her fridge. He opened it and eyed the contents. There was enough to make his favorite meal, salmon daikon. He smiled slightly, and Shinobu knew what he was up to.

"We had that the other day!" She sighed, "Tomioka-san I swear to god..."

He had already put the contents on the counter. "It's yummy. Stop complaining."

She rolled her eyes at him. "Alright." Shinobu looked up at him, "But you're going to have to tie that rats nest. I don't want any hair in my food and I doubt you do too."

"I left my hair tie at home."

She looked skeptical, but walked away from the kitchen. She had a few butterfly pins left over from the time she bought a bunch for the girls. She didn't know how many each of them would wear, and ended up having left overs. She picked out a blue one thinking it matched the color of his eyes. A deep blue, like the ocean. Like a sapphire.

She walked back into the kitchen where Giyuu sat waiting. "Turn around." He did, and calmly waited for her to tie his hair. She smiled mischievously as she had brought two hair clips instead of one. She split his hair into two and tied one up into a pony. She did the same with the other side. Putting the pins in, she stepped back and laughed.

"What did you do." But as Giyuu turned around to look at her, Shinobu flashed a picture of him. "Tomioka-san you look so cute!!"

He frowned and walked toward her, trying to get her phone. "Let me see, Kocho."

"No." She smiled at him, hiding her phone behind her.

He sighed as he went on to prepare their meal. He would just see later. After all, he was in the comfort of her home, and knew that no one else would see him like this. It was okay if she did, though. It would always be okay with her.

After they finished eating, he asked her to undo his hair. She did it with disappointment.

"Thank you for the meds, Kocho."

"Anytime! Have a good night Tomioka-san." She smiled. "You too, Kocho."

. . .

"Runny nose? Seriously?" She laughed at him, head on her hands. He sniffed, "Yes seriously."

She sighed as she ducked down again. Her phone gave a notification, and she eyed her lock screen for a moment. It was Giyuu, hair tied into two ponytails with butterfly pins. She smiled remembering that she didn't have any ingredients for salmon daikon.

She came back up to face him, putting up a mischievous smile. "Looks like I've run out!"


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