•~Chapter 2: The night begins~•

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Hey people just to let you know that since we don't know Mulciber and Averys first names I have decided that Mulcibers first name will be William and Avery's will be Mark.

Sev pov:
Me, William, Mark and Evan all go to are shared dorm as soon as we enter Evan threw him self on my bed.

"Hey that's my bed!!!!" I yell as I threw him off my bed and he landed on his face. "OW" he yelled as he stood up and stomp over to his bed mumbling something under his bed. I looked over to the bathroom and saw the door closed and Mark was not in the room anymore so I assumed he was in there.

"I'm going in the bathroom next" I said blankly. "Okay that's fine with me, Evan what about you". We look over and see Evan snoring on his bed. "Bathrooms free" I hear from across the room. After getting what I need from my trunk which in some way is more messy then a bird nest.

It's been a hour and a half since everyone was asleep so I decided to go on a walk.

Sirius POV:

I can't sleep all I've been thinking of Severus, he's just so cute and smart. I'm not going to stock him but I just want to see his beautiful name, so I got the map and my wand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I whispered as the words on the blank piece of parchment turned into our map. I opened it to find that Severus's name was in the 3ed floor corridors.

I quickly got out of bed and put on my shoes. I ran as fast and quietly (of course so the prefects don't catch me). I follow the name on the map and then I saw the beautiful ebony hair boy.

Severus POV:

I was taking a walk down the 3ed corridor being quiet and observant so I don't get caught by the prefects. "Hey Snape" I heard someone whisper I turn expecting a prefect or head boy/girl, instead I saw Sirius Black near a door to an abandoned classroom.

"Come in here" the oldest black brother said to me. I go in the classroom feeling mu chest heat up due to being so close to my long term crush.

Sirius closes the door after I come in. "What do you want Black? and what are you still doing up?" I asked not really sure what to feel or expect. "I want nothing more then to talk alright and I couldn't sleep".

"Okay but why do you want to talk and what about anyway" I said still not really trusting him but god I love him. How he runs his fingers through his hair, how he plays quidditch, how he smiles. He just so handsome.

"Well I hope we can talk about anything really, how about we play a muggle game I heard Mary and Lily talk about 20 questions is it?". He says in his charming voice.(sev you are simping so hard right now and I'm sorry for the cringe). "Yes it's called 20 questions and fine I will play".

The game went on for about 10 minutes there were only simple questions such as 'whats your favourite colour?' but one was a little bit weird but that's what Severus thought anyway the question was 'who is your favourite roomate?' Severus hates playing favourite but he answered Evan. After they finished the game the two boys went to there dorms. Severus didn't really know what to feel after, he still feels like it's all some prank but something in him is telling him that maybe Sirius is telling him the truth that he is sorry but he'll worry about that tomorrow.

Hey peeps, thanks for reading this chapter. I'm terribly sorry for the wait but thanks for being patient. I write the end at 2:00am and I have a big day tomorrow because I have a test. So yeah but I hope you have amazing day/night week or weekend bye. PS please give me some ideas.

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