A start to a new Age

667 19 11

"I was hoping you wouldn't find yourself behind such confinements, sir. Though we should've expected it, your sheer excitement at seeing the base already gave alarms in my head."

Octavi said to Antonius, who was currently sitting on a bench behind bars. The reason as to why he was behind bars was because of his acts of theft against the Japanese, the items found on his person were several devices known as landlines, a few primitive weapons and a small 'laptop,' as Itami called it. Itami stood beside Octavi, looking on as Octavi and Antonius chatted.

"Forgive me for doing such things but what is the punishment for such acts? A walk of atonement? A few whips to the back? I am prepared for any punishment for my actions that were done in the name of science!"

Antonius said confidently, having no regret at being caught and jailed, the Techtite knew the risks and were ready to undertake them.

At the utterance of the regular punishments in the Imperium, Itami's spine tensed a little with his mind imagining the pain those punishments would do to a person.

"Might I remind you that with the Treaty of Two Humanities, Imperial Law is not taken if the crime was committed against Earth or the UN."

Octavi stated with Antonius replying with an 'I see,' his gaze then went to Itami, who had a confused expression to his face as to why Antonius was staring at him.

"Well Captain, as a representative of your people. What punishment shall be given for my deeds?"

"W-Well, a few hours of staying here will be enough."

"So, after stealing multiple weapons and devices of worth, all of which may pose a great level of importance. All of my wrongdoings against your people give me a time-out area to wait in for a set amount of time?"

"Well if you put it like that, jail-time doesn't sound so bad."

Suddenly, the door to the jail slammed open with Akira pacing to Itami, who looked at Akira and just stood there while Akira took Itami out of the room with Octavi and Antonius looking at the situation with confusion. As Itami and Akira went out of the room, the door shut, for a few seconds Octavi and Antonius stared at the door until Antonius broke the silence.

"These humans are quite confusing, don't you agree?"

"They are vastly different from us. Maybe this is how normal Imperial citizens go about their daily lives."

"Maybe. Though citizens of the Techtites are vastly different from this, we do not just barge into a room and take someone."

"Remember Antonius, different Terra, different humans."

At that, Antonius sighed.

- Officer's Office -

After dragging Itami from the cells, Akira had taken him to his office for a quick chat, or to be more precise an interrogation.

"What did you tell them?"

"Well, they asked what punishment he'd get for stealing. Was that a bad idea?"

"And what did you say?"

"Isn't a few hours in the cells the punishment?"

"Yes... But don't you understand that we could've gotten something out of this! We could've made him show us their weapons!"

"But wouldn't that be lying?"

At that reply, Akira sank into his seat with a sigh.

"Uh... Yanagida?"

"Just go do your task in getting the names of those refugees."


- Fort Amarkun -

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