Atop the Mountain

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     Giyuu could feel the warm stone against his cheek, it reminded him of laying on the porch in the summer heat.  But the air was cold, icy cold.  He blinks awake and is met with the ethereal yet bleary figure of the God of the Sun.

     "Good morning, sleepy."
     "What?"  He whispers looking about him.  A palace.
     A ceiling so high he can't quite see it, lanterns all about and glowing orbs of light floating through the hall.  Past Tanjiro's knelt figure is a golden throne with an unmistakable solar theme.
     "Is this-?"
     "My palace, yes." Tanjiro offers him a hand, he takes it without thinking and shivers at the warmth and magic the flowers from his palm, flowing into his wrist and up his arm.
     Tanjiro pulls him up with ease and he almost floats for a second, before settling back onto the warm obsidian floor.  A warm breezes whispers through the hall and silk tapestries and drapery flutters with it.
    "I ought to explain," Tanjiro muses, observing his awestruck face.
     "Yes, yes please."

     Tanjiro smiles and takes him by the elbow gently leading him down the hall and away from the throne.  Giyuu glances back at it over his shoulder just for a moment, it steals his breath.  The ornate beauty of it, somehow the entire hall draws the eye to the throne, Giyuu wishes he could have seen Tanjiro sitting in it.
     He gasps as cold air draws across his ankles.  He looks back forwards, massive doors of gold and red wood swing open slowly.  Tanjiro catches his eye for just a moment and then guides him outside with a charming smile.

     Giyuu stares open mouthed at the sea of clouds drifting about them.  Tanjiro steps forward but Giyuu cannot move his feet.  The God looks back at him confused for only a moment.  Recognition melts across his features and he takes both of Giyuu's hands in his and gently pulls him out into the clouds.  He gasps and wobbles badly when there is no solid ground.
     "Keep walking, Giyuu."
     He looks up to find Tanjiro gently tugging him deeper into the sea.

      They walk with clouds swirling about their ankles.  He glances behind them and gawks at the pearly roiling path behind them where the fog has been stirred.  Giyuu trips over his own feet and knocks forward into Tanjiro who gasps.  White fills his vision and for a moment Tanjiro's body warmth is gone.  He tossed out a hand and finds the other man's wrist.  For just a moment, all is completely still.  Giyuu squints through the clouds desperately trying to see the God and slowly warm hands find his shoulders.  He's pulled upwards out of the sea of clouds  to meet Tanjiro's worried face.  It dissolves into a smile of relief and Giyuu's face burns with shame.
     "Don't be.  But be sure to watch your step." Tanjiro advises and pulls him to his feet for the second time. 
     Giyuu dips his head and doesn't meet his eyes.  Tanjiro stays closer to his side as they walk now.

     "What... Is that?" His voice betrays his fear and Tanjiro gives his hand a gentle squeeze.
     "That, is- well, Hell I suppose.  Kibutsuji's land."
     "The King of the Dead?"
     "Yes and No."
     "He is the First King of the Dead.  The Second lays beyond his land, that is where your family is."
      Giyuu stares at where the clouds drops away, falling away suddenly, miles and miles down he can see the surface of dark roiling storm clouds, they flash every few seconds with deep angry lightning.
     "Are those?"
     "Enslaved Raiju.  Yes."
     "Come we'll travel on foot to keep from being noticed.  Technically I am allowed to bring you here but, the others tend to throw hissy fits.  Not Ubuyashiki though, he'll be fine with our visit." Tanjiro smiles reassuringly and begins to step off the edge.
     Giyuu gasps and yanks Tanjiro back, the God yelps and stumbles back into him, looking at him aghast.
     "Y- Give me more warning!  That- that's a long fall..." He mutters, glancing over the edge again and fretting silently.
     Tanjiro laughs suddenly.
     He jumps and looks at the God indignantly, "What?!"
     Tanjiro giggles and pats Giyuu's hand, "We'll be fine.  I promise."
     Giyuu frowns and looks between the fall and the gentle God holding his hand.  He sighs, letting his head fall as he inches closer to Tanjiro, "Fine..." He grimaces.
     Tanjiro chuckles under his breath and takes both of his hands again, "Don't let go, alright?" He breathes and the hairs on the back of Giyuu's neck raise.
      He nods.

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