Chapter 1: The Master

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Thankfully the sky was clear of clouds and it was unlikely to change. It was a relief to know there would be no rain. Couldn't have Stompier acting up at such an important time.

Mason sat at the back of the caravan watching Stompier drive the horses. The clip clop of their hooves barely audible over the rattling of the caravan's wheels as it sailed down the dirt path. Accompanying the rattling were constant bursts of groaned snoring from their other companion, currently sprawled out on one the caravan's benches. He was another of the Illager's under Mason's command, Joseph. That guy could literally sleep anywhere.

They had been travelling for four days now, not stopping to make camp at night but pressing on through the darkness and shooting down anything that got in their way. Thankfully they had packed up enough food that they didn't need to stop and hunt but they needed to stop at least twice a day to let the horses rest. Although every second they weren't travelling frustrated Mason to no end. They had already travelled past the Great Crater and along their established path round the edge of the ocean. A great expanse of water and nothingness. If they had constructed large enough boats, they could've travelled straight through the ocean without having to take the three days detour around it. But the Master had considered that a waste of time and resources that they could be using at Faulty Mine or hunting down the Realm Knights.

Mason unconsciously clenched and unclenched his fist while he mulled over his current situation for what might be the hundredth time. He had received the report the day before his Master summons. The delicious news that the rebel's base had finally been discovered. He had quickly put together all of his forces to raid it. Even had Stephen in his grasp to use as a bargaining chip for their surrender should they resist. But although he'd had Mikeus write up a report for the Master, a summons had arrived before he could send it. It had requested Mason depart for Faulty Mine immediately. And of course he couldn't refuse an order from the Master. So now he found himself stirring in the back of the caravan, desperately hoping that Mikeus had been successful leading the raid in Mason's place, finally wiped out those pesky Realm Knights and looted their base for all it was worth.

Eventually they turned onto a gravel road and over Stompier's head a rocky peak inched into view, icy spikes covering the top like arrows on a battlefield. The road was marked with several mossy stone pillars and led up to a large crevice in the side of the mountain. Stalactites hung from the roof of the opening like the fangs of a beast waiting to consume any who dared enter and as the caravan approached, it was absorbed into the shadow of the monstrous peak. Passing through the mouth of the mountain took them into a large cavern illuminated by hanging lanterns and glowing golden bulbs that hung in clusters from the ceiling. Two more of the Illager's caravans were parked at one side of the entrance and a small stable had been constructed at the other for the horses to rest in. Directly across from the entrance was a small room with a window and adjacent to it stood a large archway constructed from a smooth white stone Mason had not seen before. They had finally arrived at Faulty Mine.

Three Illagers were waiting inside the small room and hopped to attention when they noticed the new arrival; two of them running out and raising crossbows at Mason's caravan cautious of some trap or invader. But once Mason pushed his way past Stompier and jumped down from the driver's seat, his boots hitting the dirt with a thud, the guards eased off. One of them moved to help park and tie up the caravan with the others while the second Illager led the horses to the stable for something to eat and drink.

Mason and his two companions were briefly searched by the guards, their weapons and transport inspected, a quick exchange of passwords and they were permitted to enter. As the three of them approached the archway Mason paused turning to Joseph and Stompier. He studied them for a moment before he spoke. Joseph gazed around the cavern, childlike wonder shining in his eyes. Stompier's eyes were fixed on the archway and the tunnel beyond it that sloped down and vanished into darkness. The blue lanterns hanging on the walls providing very little illumination. There was something in his expression that Mason couldn't quite discern. Stompier caught Mason staring at him and started. Then gulped and stood to attention.

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