[18] Day dance

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Morning skies approached and it was time for everyone to get up. The sun rays where shown through the window making the two males glow. Jungkook groaned clinching onto Jimin's shirt until he groaned even more after hearing a loud noise. It was a cup that Namjoon dropped and you could hear Hoseok laughing and Jin complaining to the male.

Jungkook's eyes where half open from the crash and the voices as he wiped them from being closed for so long.

"Hyung~" Jungkook called out tugging on his boyfriends shirt. When Jungkook didn't get a response from his sleepy boyfriend he pouted, he didn't think it would be hard to wake the brunette up, but due to him and Jimin sleeping together for the second night he didn't know how to wake him. Jimin would always be first to wait Jungkook up. But now he thinks he was a bit early on waking up.

"Jiminie?" Jungkook moved up to his lovers face and stared for a bit. Jimin looked beautiful just when he was sleeping, his cheeks puffed a bit and his lips where parted just a bit. Then again blush rose onto his face as he admired his boyfriend sleep. It couldn't stay for long though.

Jungkook blew in his face releasing a cold air on the boy eyes, he didn't wanna do it but he didn't know another method of waking him.

After a few tries, Jungkook blew in his eyes for the last time until he saw Jimin move a bit "Ah Jungkook.." Jimin groaned tiredly, hearing Jimin's deep voice made Jungkook grow butterflies in his stomach while his body began to heat up instantly. He presumed it was only when he was waking up but god it sounded so seducing.

He blinked from shock and from being just a little shy before responding to the male in a stutter. "J-Jimin Hyung, it's time to wake up.." Jungkook shook his boyfriend. "I.. I wanna morning kiss.." Jungkook mumbled with red cheeks and a beating heart. "Ah Jungkook, your so innocent." Jimin commented rubbing his eyes, then smiling. Jungkook blinked twice listening closely to his boyfriend he sat on his knees watching the boy sit up. "Did you sleep good?" Jimin asked ruffling his own hair. Jungkook quickly nodded "yes, you where very warm.." Jungkook said shamelessly. Jimin chuckled "come here Jungkook." Jimin said, Jungkook quickly scooted to the brunette with a big smile. With a soft smile Jimin cupped his cheeks. "How'd you wake up earlier then me Hm?" Jimin cooed staring into his eyes, Jungkook was flustered.

"I-I heard a loud crash and that's how I woke up.." Jungkook said being too flustered to look into Jimin's eyes as his own eyes wondered.

"What was it you wanted?" Jimin teased caressing Jungkook's hair. "a.. a morning kiss..." Jungkook mumbled. Jimin silently chuckle "oh Jungkook, I love you." Jimin said before gently touching lips with Jungkook's.

The kiss was slow, comforting, and sweet. Something Jungkook loved. He liked it when Jimin took it and made it slow, it made his heart thump in a good way.

Jungkook broke it to breathe but also to reply to the brunette. "I love you too." Jungkook said against Jimin's lips. Jungkook noticed how close he was sitting in front of the brunette the way he was, therefore he backed up off the bed with steaming cheeks. "I-I'll met you with the other hyungs." Jungkook said quickly So he could calm himself. Jimin being his amused self, he smiled.


"Alright dress up! We're going dancing!" Hoseok shouted.

"Did you even bring the appropriate attire?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course." Hobi patting Yoongi's back, "since we have to pack to leave in the morning we'll just go to a day dance!" Hobi said.

"Alright, let's go then!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"It wouldn't hurt to." Jin commented with a shrug.

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