[13] Gadgets & teases

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Jimin turned back to Jungkook, releasing a sigh. "Hyung, who was that?" Jungkook asked.

"My brother. He needed someone to talk to." Jimin continued to look at the scenery.

"Is he okay?" Jungkook wondered, Jimin stood in silence for a second until his lips curled into a smile. He glanced up to Jungkook with that smile. "Yep, he's okay." Jimin loved how Jungkook cared for others it spoke a lot about his character, it made Jimin happy.


Jimin paced around his apartment with the phone up to his ear until he heard his mother answer.

"Eomma." Jimin was slightly disappointed by his mothers words but he wasn't on sides, he just wanted to inform his mother about Taehyung's situation.

"Yes darling?" His mother cooed.

"Taehyung called.. could you not be so hard on him?" Jimin continued to paced as he nibbled on his nail.


"I beg of you, I really hate seeing him sad."

"I'm only teaching him what's best."

"I understand, but if you could teach him in a nicer manner. I'm sure he'll be delighted to listen."

"I'll go talk to your father." Then she hung up, Jimin didn't catch it so he called her twice but then checked to see his phone was on his Home Screen.

Jimin sighed tossing the phone onto his bed, He sat on his rolling chair that was placed in front of his computer. He then craned his neck backwards so he could look up at the ceiling for a moment. Before he was going to doze off a knock was heard, groaning a bit he stood from his seat.

He walked to the door and opened it rubbing his head as his finger tips tapped the strands of hair.

"Hyung, did you just wake up?" Jungkook asked with doe eyes as he held a grocery bag. "No Jungkook, I was relaxing." Jimin then yawned.

"You sound sleepy though, do you need me to make you some soup?" Jungkook looked at Jimin with concerned eyes.

"No no it's okay Kook-ah." Jimin assured to the concerned boy.

"Okay.. well, I bought you some gadgets to use for cooking," Jungkook held up the bag. "I was wondering if I could help you, but you seem tired." Jungkook mumbled the ending as he looked down playing with his sleeves nervously.

Jimin crackled a smiled, "you can come in." Jimin stepped to the side to let the brown haired in.

"Are you sure? I can wait another day." Jungkook wanted the brunette to get rest. "Jungkook, don't worry about it, I'm sure."
Jimin assured giving him a smile before Jungkook stepped in. "So what are we making?" Jimin closed the door as he spoke.

"Anything you want really, most of these stuff can be used for anything." Jungkook said placing the grocery bag down.

"Kook-ah, you didn't have to get me anything." Jimin cooed making Jungkook blush. "Well, your gonna need gadgets to learn how to cook."

They both began to cook, Jungkook showing Jimin what to cut and the seasonings, how to use the gadgets he bought, and the waiting process for refrigeration or stove.

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