[14] Unspoken truth

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2 days passed and Jungkook was relaxing for them two, he then decided to continue the painting of Jimin. Jungkook was sitting in an empty room where he painted at all the time.

He wore a apron and began painting Jimin's hair and lips. Jimin had the softest lips that you'd have to be extremely lucky to kiss them but it may be different for his hair. Jungkook glided the brush against the canvas carefully using all sorts of color shades for his hair. Of course it had to match the picture on his phone. Jungkook thought about how fast him and Jimin where developing, knowing that they were friends for a week and a half now since Jimin moved.

They say it's true love if it's been 3 months but is it really true for Jungkook? He loved Jimin's gentle voice when he spoke and the feel of his hands, the boy had a beautiful smile and when his eye smiles show it made him even more beautiful. They really don't make men like Jimin anymore these days.

Jungkook knew Jimin had just moved in, but the man was really really attractive and he was attracting Jungkook. But he didn't know if Jimin felt a type of way for Jungkook, he allows Jimin to hold his hand, and cup his cheeks when he doesn't feel okay, Because he loved the feeling. It sent butterflies and made his cheeks grow red and his body would heat up and he'd freeze.

Because of one man that he's fallen for. This felt totally different from shin-ha to Jungkook, maybe it was because he was a boy. He had a hard time describing it so he trailed it off of his mind and started to paint his lips.

Before he moved the brush onto the boy lips he stared at them for a moment. How could someone have such lips?! Why'd he have to be so pretty?! Jungkook shook his head then bit his lip as he carefully painted the brunettes lips. Once it was done he added the details he was taught then released a deep sigh of relief, he didn't know why he was on edge when it came to finishing Jimin's portrait. He just wanted it to be his best but he needed to calm down for a bit.

He dipped the brush in water and cricled his wrist with the brush in his hand to get the paint off, tapping it lightly against the cup he let it sit so he could take 5. His eyes scanned the painting just to see if he missed a spot and he didn't, he smiled then stood up stretching his arms and his back mostly then his legs. He groaned a bit feeling his muscles stretch, this only took 3 mintues, he next hopped on his phone.

Once he did he began to feel his head throb in pain, it was that time of the month, the times he hated the most was when he got his bad headaches.

Jungkook groaned while rubbing his head, he remembered what Namjoon told him about his headaches, if it ever got extremely bad or it's bad from the start to take a pill. Jungkook went to his bag and took them out. He opened the bottle and dipped a pill onto his hand grabbing a water bottle. He gulped it down releasing a sigh after fountaining water in his mouth.

He took a seat on an more comfortable chair and rested his head until the pain lessened. After a couple of minutes he stood up again and went back to the portrait, now he was doing the background.

Nearly almost done with the painting.

Before he continued he looked at his bag and his eyes landed on the keychain Jimin gifted him. A smiled appeared on the boy face as he continued to paint.


A knock was heard on Jimin's door and he went to grab it. When he swung the door open to see the staff from the castle, Jimin blinked once "Hello Prince, the queen has requested you to meet up with a lady named Momo, so when you arrive back you'll have a lady in hand." The staff bowed. "I will." Jimin bowed taking the number.

Once he closed the door he placed the number that was supposedly in the envelope on the counter of his kitchen. Jimin digged his fingers into his hair frustratedly. Was his mom serious?! What about the letter did she really forget about it?! Jimin opened the envelope in a rush and called the number, pulling out his phone.

"Hello, is this Momo?" Jimin asked.

"Yes, and who are you?" The lady asked.

"Have you heard anything from the queen, did she send you to a Prince?"

"Hm, I have, she invited me over to talk and she was offering money to marry the Prince of hers." She said.

"Did you want this?"

"Well. Not exactly.. I wanted the Prince to find someone of his own desire, but the money could really help. It's a pain. Some people just thinks that money can buy happiness.. who are you exactly?" She spoke sorrowfully.

"The Prince.." Jimin confessed then sighed "thank you, for telling me Momo, was their anything else?"

"I assume you have a brother? He heard us and shouted his feelings the other day. I felt bad for him. He was right of what he said." She spoke about Taehyung respectfully.

"Taehyung Hm? What did he say?"

"He complained to the queen about how she put you into the real world to find love, not to be manipulated to love someone you bring." Momo could see the images replay in her head.

"He's right.. thank you again. I promise to make it up to you." Jimin said feeling hurtful, his heart was sickened. How could she? At this point Jimin needed to talk with Taehyung. Jimin felt so dishonored and hurt.

"Please find one your heart desires, the one you are with might be the one you were destined to be with." Momo said before Jimin hung up. 

Jimin thought about it for a couple of seconds until Jungkook came up into his head, was he really? They've both had their moments but was Jungkook really the one? He wanted to presume on thinking about it but he needed to talk with Taehyung asap.

Jimin quickly typed Tae's number and dialed it. He then heard Tae's sleepy voice. He'd been laying in bed for so long he's grown sleepy.

"Tae, is there something eomma and appa aren't telling me about?" Jimin asked, he wasn't sparring his chance of finding out the truth now.

"Well.." Taehyung mumbled as his eyes became glossy. "Y-yes, me, eomma and appa wasn't busy, we where preparing your wedding for when you return with the one you desired, but when I told her my opinion she got offended and started shouting on about why you needed a queen before then before you become king. But I know you, I know it takes time to find love and figure it out but she doesn't understand.. she didn't want to listen.. s-so she told a maid to watch me so I wouldn't ruin it b-but you know now and now I'm screwed." Tae ranted as Jimin heard him sniffing as if he was going to cry.

"You aren't screwed TaeTae, I'm glad you told me because I got in touch with the women. She told me everything." Jimin assured to his quietly sobbing brother. "I-I wish you where here.." Taehyung confessed sadly.

"I will be there as soon as possible Tae, don't tell them anything okay? Your good at acting right? Just act like you didn't tell me and I will as well. Everything will be resolved." Jimin spoke sincerely to his brother. Hearing an okay from his brother who stopped sobbing. Now if his parents where to see him in the state he was in he'd tell them that he woke up like this.


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